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Through the course of this election cycle, Fox News has become as unwatchable as its left-leaning counter-networks and it seems I'm not the only person to make such an observation. New data from YouGov BrandIndex released Thursday explored Fox News' brand value. Long touted as the Republican alternative to network news, Fox News viewers are increasingly disenchanted with the "we report, you decide" moniker. Ad Age explains:

In July, former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Roger Ailes, the company's former CEO. She claimed he fired her after “she complained about a hostile working environment” and refused to sleep with Ailes. Ailes denied the allegations, but today Fox News settled with Carlson for $20 million. Vanity Fair also reports that the company will "offer Carlson a public apology as part of the settlement."

Greta Van Susteren suddenly left Fox News on Monday after 14 years. Brit Hume will now host her show "On the Record" at the 7PM time slot starting on Tuesday and through the election. It is unknown if Fox News will change their schedule after the election.

Former Fox News Host, Andrea Tantaros, filed a sexual harassment complaint against the network Monday. The complaint went full scorched Earth, accusing Former Fox News CEO, Roger Ailes, Fox News Host Bill O'Reilly, and former Senator Scott Brown of making unwanted advances. Fox News has said they cannot comment on pending litigation, but the entire ordeal is a nasty "he said, she said" affair. Tantaros' legal troubles began earlier this year when Fox News accused her of breach of contract for writing a book without first obtaining the network's approval. Tantaros alleges the network is using the book kerfuffle to silence her sexual harassment complaints, and the network contends she's attempting to draw attention away from the alleged breach of contract. From Buzzfeed:

Hillary Clinton appeared on Fox News Sunday this morning, and repeated her denial that she told the families of the men killed in Benghazi that the attack was caused by a video. She went one step further, and patronized the families, declaring "I don't hold any ill feeling" towards family members who "may not fully recall everything that was or wasn't said." Later in the interview, Hillary again dodged responsibility. Wallace played the statement by FBI Director James Comey that—contrary to what Clinton had claimed—she did in fact send and receive classified material on her home-brewed email system. This time, Hillary blamed some of the professionals who "made the wrong call" by sending her classified material. "I relied on and had every reason to rely on" their judgment, said Clinton.

A gaunt and scruffy Jon Stewart took over Colbert's Late Show Desk Thursday night. The retired Daily Show host compared Fox News host criticism of President Obama to some of those by Donald Trump. Those not thrilled with Trump leading the GOP ticket have complained he's far too much like the current president for their liking aaaaannnnd Stewart's mashup makes that argument hard to refute.

Rumors that Roger Ailes was asked to vacate his position as Chairman and Chief Executive of Fox News were confirmed today when Ailes officially resigned. The New York Times reports:
Roger Ailes stepped down on Thursday as chairman and chief executive of Fox News, ending a 20-year reign as head of the cable network he built into a ratings juggernaut and an influential platform for Republican politics.

In a brutal report on the administration's dishonesty regarding the nuclear deal with Iran, CNN's Jake Tapper last week concluded that Americans "have a right to know who lied to us." Tapper walked us through the basics, but let's review. The story began in February 2013, when Fox News reporter James Rosen asked then State Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland, "There have been reports that intermittently, and outside of the formal P-5+1 mechanisms the Obama Administration, or members of it, have conducted direct, secret, bilateral talks with Iran. Is that true or false?"

President Obama press advisor Jen Psaki attacked Fox News after reporter James Rosen asked for clarification over her statement about deleted footage from a 2013 press briefing about secret Iran and U.S. talks. Rosen asked then-State spokeswoman Psaki about the meeting in 2013, a year after the department denied such talks existed. Psaki admitted they took place, but Rosen found someone deleted his questions from the old video:
The department acknowledged Wednesday that several minutes of video from the 2013 briefing – at which then-State Department spokeswoman Psaki appeared to acknowledge misleading the press over the Iran nuclear deal – had been intentionally cut. The order apparently came from an official in the public affairs office, but that individual has not been identified.
Fox News published their complete email exchange, where Psaki berates Rosen for politely asking for an explanation after Psaki referred to the transcript and not the video.

FOX News lives rent free in the heads of liberals all over America. They just can't stand the fact that one news network dares to include conservative voices alongside liberal ones. Obama has been complaining about the network since taking office and now Bernie Sanders is singling out FOX and suggesting that liberals should have a similar network. Here's the best part - He made the comments to Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. The Hill reports:
Sanders calls for Democratic version of Fox News Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders called for a more liberal version of Fox News to help fix the problems he sees in corporate media.

There was supposed to be a Fox News Republican Debate Monday night. That was until Donald Trump did well last night, and decided he didn't need another debate. Trump says he didn't even know about the debate, even though everyone else did, and won't participate because he is speaking before AIPAC: Except that as of yesterday his speech was not scheduled for a specific time slot:

FOX News is running a special program this weekend called Voter Revolt which focuses on the rejection of establishment politicians in the 2016 election. Bret Baier hosts and covers both sides of the race in the balanced style anyone who watches him on Special Report has come to expect.

Did you hear the latest? Yesterday in Trumpernoia: Fox News is out to get Donald Trump, after giving him so much airtime people previously had accused Fox News of being in the tank for Trump. Now, the fix it in for Marco Rubio. It's an Open Borders billionaire conspiracy. Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes' strings are being pulled by a Saudi Prince who was photographed with Megyn Kelly. The daughter of Fox News Executive VIP Bill Sammon works for Rubio. But it goes even deeper, really deep. Someone who used to work for Dana Perino now is Rubio's press secretary. It's just rumor for now, but Jasper may be in on the conspiracy, but he's not talking. And don't trust the vote count, it's being done by a Rubio donor. Today in Trumpernoia: Frank Luntz did consulting for Marco Rubio almost a decade ago to help shape Rubio's political image. But Luntz doesn't disclose that decade-old consulting when he talks about Rubio, so all the Luntz panels on Fox News are biased against Trump and favoring Rubio. The spark for this bias claim was this Luntz focus group after the last GOP debate, and Rubio's recent rise in the polls:

The dispute between Donald Trump and Fox News has escalated rapidly today. It went from Trump was thinking about refusing to appear, to Trump likely not appearing, to the campaign saying Trump "definitely" would not appear. Megyn Kelly, the focus of Trump's ire, just announced on her show that Trump is out based on conversations Carl Cameron had with the Trump campaign. The Trump campaign apparently has released a statement to that effect. Trump Statement Fox News Debate (added) Fox News issued the following statement: