Devin Nunes | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Everyone in America is being programmed–in K-12 classrooms, universities, their workplace, on social media, and in our cultural output–to accept inherently racist initiatives like Critical Race Training as not just normal but as positive steps "forward"; everyone is required to not just tolerate but to vocally support Black Lives Matter, open borders, blanket amnesty, the Green New Deal, biological men competing against women in women's sports, and defunding the police; and everyone is required to police their own thoughts lest they utter something that runs afoul of the cultural revolutionary guard.

The impeachment hearings in front of the House Intelligence Committee took a weirdish turn this afternoon:
Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, an Army officer at the National Security Council, told Nunes that he spoke with two people outside the White House about Trump's July 25 call with Ukrainian President Voldomyr Zelensky in the immediate wake of the interaction, including State Department official George Kent and one member of the "intelligence community."

House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes unloaded on the Democrats in his opening statement in its impeachment inquiry:
In a July open hearing of this committee following publication of the Mueller report, the Democrats engaged in a last-ditch effort to convince the American people that President Trump is a Russian agent. That hearing was the pitiful finale of a three-year-long operation by the Democrats, the corrupt media, and partisan bureaucrats to overturn the results of the 2016 presidential election.

When the history of President Donald Trump's administration is written, perhaps one of the biggest ironies is that the man most responsible for toppling the #Resistance comes from the state that is the center of the anti-Trump movement. The Plot Against the President: The True Story of How Congressman Devin Nunes Uncovered the Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History was written by investigative journalist Lee Smith and covers the work of Nunes (CA-22), former head of the House Intelligence Committee, and his team of lawyers and researchers to expose the coup against the President.

You know, I'm really starting to see this as a power struggle. Nunes and Schiff are just trying to outdo each other. The memo wars have become more about who can come out on top rather than an effort to expose the truth. But I digress. House Intelligence Ranking Member Adam Schiff (D-CA) released his memo Sunday and claimed it refuted the memo released by  Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA). Of course, it took no time for Nunes to refute Schiff's memo, leading Schiff to release his own fact sheet. (See what I mean? They both want the last word.)

House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Adam Schiff (D-CA) released his memo that he claims counters the GOP memo on the FBI and DOJ using a dossier with unverified information to obtain a warrant to spy on Trump's former campaign member Carter Page. doesn't. In fact, it also confirms that the agencies used the dossier to obtain that warrant.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) has sent ten questions to former and current government officials about the dossier published by Fusion GPS against then-presidential candidate Donald Trump, funded by failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC. Former British spy Christopher Steele authored the dossier. The ten questions include when they became aware of the information in the dossier and how they handled it.

I was traveling Friday when the memo about the FISA application to surveil Carter Page, supported by the Fusion GPS-produced Clinton-funded Steele Dossier, was released. It was one of those days when being mostly off the grid was a good thing. I was only able to follow the Twitter reaction, and take a quick glimpse on my phone at the memo itself. So I mostly sat back and watched the fireworks.

President Donald Trump's Chief of Staff John Kelly said on Fox News Radio that the president will release House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes' memo soon. From Fox News:
In a radio exclusive, White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly, joined Brian Kilmeade at the White House to talk about President Trump's first State of the Union address. Kelly discussed President Trump taking the handcuffs off of the military in Afghanistan, working on a bipartisan solution on DACA, why his heart breaks over identity politics in America and President Trump releasing the Nunes memo "pretty quick and the whole world can see it."

In a few days we may get a look at the much ballyhooed memo written by Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, led by Devin Nunes, regarding alleged FISA abuse leading to spying on the Trump campaign and the role of the Steele Dossier in justifying that spying on a presidential candidate. Very soon we may also see a report by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz into the DOJ/FBI handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. What I expect those reports to show is a deep politicization of the highest levels of both DOJ and FBI.

When Devin Nunes stepped away from the Russia probe despite his position as the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, it was a major victory for those seeking to obfuscate and stall one of the two tracks of investigation: The unmasking of names that Susan Rice has admitted doing, though she claims no political motive. The event precipitating Nunes withdrawal was a series of ethics complaints filed by left-wing groups, including, which triggered a House Ethics Committee investigation. That fact that there is an investigation means nothing in itself. Mercedes Schlapp points out how the tactics used against Nunes helped shape the ultimate decision:

This is breaking news and will be updated. Republican House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, who exposed the "unmasking" of information regarding the Trump transition team by the Obama administration, has announced he will step aside from the Russia investigation This is a major victory for Democrats, who have smeared and attacked Nunes, and comes after liberal interest groups filed ethics complaints against Nunes, leading to an ethics investigation. [Post to be updated]

Susan Rice is at the center of the storm over reports that she "unmasked" the names of Trump campaign and transition officials, as described in our prior post, Susan Rice unmasked? Previously said “I know nothing about” Nunes allegations. Given Rice's past tattered history with regard to the Benghazi video, it's almost a certainty that there now will be dual track congressional investigations -- of alleged Trump campaign interactions with Russia and Obama administration attempts to undermine the incoming administration. Seeking to quiet the storm, Rice appeared on Andrea Mitchell's MSNBC show. Mitchell would be viewed as a safe space for Rice in which Rice could explain away the issue.