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House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) confirmed the committee has launched "formal impeachment proceedings" against President Donald Trump even without Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's blessing. From Fox News:
“This is formal impeachment proceedings,” Nadler said. “We are investigating all the evidence, we’re gathering the evidence and we will at the conclusion of this, hopefully by the end of the year, vote to, vote articles of impeachment to the House floor or we won’t. That’s a decision that we’ll have to make. But that -- that’s exactly the process we’re in right now.”

2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden survived the second round of Democratic debates last week simply due to the fact that no one landed a knockout punch against him. The week after, however, has been a much different story. He's had a series of gaffes over the last several days that have some in the Democratic party wondering if these are just innocent missteps or something more concerning.

Everything is a white supremacist slur! Dan McCready, the Democrat running for North Carolina's 9th District House seat, suggested that his Republican opponent Dan Bishop used a white supremacist slur when his ad called Democrats clowns after he shared a Daily Kos article trying to push "an obscure alt-right meme."

Rahm Emanuel once famously said that you should never let a crisis go to waste. Democrats have apparently taken that message to heart. The DNC and Democratic candidates sent out fundraising emails after the two shootings over the weekend.

After the first Democratic presidential debate in June, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) became a top contender. She successfully broadsided frontrunner Joe Biden over his remarks about busing and working with segregationist Senators in a moment that was clearly staged, and landed a body blow that helped her campaign funding and poll numbers rise. But while we political junkies were anxious to find out if we'd see more fireworks between Harris and Biden in Round Two Wednesday night, something unexpected happened.

In April, former Senators Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) and Joe Donnelly (D-IN) launched the One Country Project. They developed this project as an effort to help Democrats win back the Senate and White House in 2020.  The focus of the project is on rural America and its "forgotten" voters who turned out in droves for President Trump in 2016. They are now sounding the alarm and warning Democrats that winning the Senate in 2020 is an uphill battle.  And they're not wrong.

Politico has exposed the chaos within the Democratic Congressional Committee (DCCC) over the lack of diversity within the leadership ranks. Many members from the Congressional Black Caucus and Congressional Hispanic Caucus have expressed frustration with Chairwoman Cheri Bustos. Now the DCCC, the primary fundraising arm for Democrats in Congress, has lost six of its tops aides.

Politico reported Monday morning that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), "the party's main election organ," has delved into chaos as Democratic lawmakers and staff demand changes to address the lack of diversity. Chairwoman Cheri Bustos (D-IL) returned to Washington, DC, during the recess as many Democrats have expressed anger and disgust to the media.

It doesn't get much more seedy and cynical than this.  The Democrat Super PAC Priorities USA is pouring millions into key battleground states to create political ads that look and sound like local news. The goal is to convince voters in the selected states—Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Wisconsin—that the Trump economy is not working for them.  By cleverly focusing on the economy and avoiding the "politics of the aggrieved," the PAC hopes to make headway in Trump country.

On Tuesday, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) spoke at the Muslim Caucus Education Collective 2019 Conference in Washington, D.C. about a wide variety of issues relevant to the Muslim community. During the question and answer part of the conference, Ani Zonneveld, who is the founder of Muslims for Progressive Values, asked Omar about the issue of female genital mutilation. Omar found the question, "appalling."

Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee announced on Friday they will begin a formal "impeachment investigation" against President Donald Trump due to former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's testimony. Chairman Jerry Nadler said the Democrats will ask for grand jury information related to Mueller's investigation. From Fox News:
Nadler called the grand jury materials “critically important” for their investigation. In the petition, Democrats on the committee noted that because Justice Department policies do not allow the prosecution of a sitting president, the House of Representatives is “the only institution of the federal government” that can hold Trump accountable.

Imagine investing $200,000 into a restaurant, but then turn around and indefinitely delay its opening because people threatened to boycott your business and bullied your family members. That's the decision BurgerIM franchisee Sam Zahr had to make for the safety of his family and employees. He also didn't want to divide the Dearborn, Michigan, community.