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In many ways, former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick (D) was Obama before Obama was Obama.  Patrick was elected the first black governor of Massachusetts in 2006, and his entire campaign was based on the same nebulous "change" mantra that would sweep then-Senator Obama into the White House two years later.
At his first inauguration under uncommonly fair skies in January 2007, the man who a year earlier had been dismissed as a hopeless romantic with no chance of victory carried with him limitless hope for the future — for better schools, fairer housing, racial healing. “It’s time for a change,” Patrick declared, “and we are that change.”
Sound like Obama's "we are the change we've been waiting for"?  That's no mistake.

I have frequently pointed out that the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS) movement not only is deeply rooted in historical anti-Semitic movements and boycotts, but also shares common ideals and membership with anti-American movements. Much as Iranian Islamists consider Israel the Little Satan and the United States the Great Satan, so too leftist and Islamist BDS supporters share a hatred of Israel and the United States. Israel is hated not just because it is Jewish, but also because it is viewed as an outpost of American-led oppression of non-whites, colonialism and imperialism. Under the now-fashionable doctrine of intersectionality, Israel is held out as the unique connecting force among capitalist and American-imperialist evils, much as the Jew has been held out in history through anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

At a rally for President Donald Trump, West Virginia Governor Governor Jim Justice announced he will switch from the Democrat party to the Republican Party. From KGOU:
"Today I will tell you with lots of prayers and lots of thinking, I'll tell you West Virginians, I can't help you any more being a Democrat governor," Justice said. "The Democrats walked away from me," the governor argued, and reflected that his late mother, who was a big fan of former President Ronald Reagan, was looking down on him thinking, "Jimmy, it's about damn time you came to your senses."

About a week ago, Professor Jacobson blogged about the crappy new Democratic party slogan: "A Better Deal: Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Wages". "The lesson Democrats appear to have learned from losing to Donald Trump is that they need to move further to the left," he blogged.

Desperation and panic have shown up in the Democrat Party today. Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D-NM), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman, told The Hill that the party will not withhold funds from Democrat pro-life candidates:
“There is not a litmus test for Democratic candidates,” said Luján, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman. “As we look at candidates across the country, you need to make sure you have candidates that fit the district, that can win in these districts across America.”

Progressives have always been oddball, idealistic creatures who put more stock in their fantasy than in reality.  They imagine a world peopled with people just like them (well, the idealized version of themselves), only fewer of them . . . because climate change. They imagine a world in which they've eradicated perfectly normal and perfectly human thoughts, feelings, and actions.  They imagine a world that is devoid of humor, free will, and individualism.  They imagine a world replete with earthy-crunchy, socially-aware robo-clones shuffling along in their own self-satisfied image of perfected humanity.  Not surprisingly, they are often disappointed.

There are plenty of Democrats who believe to this day that George W. Bush stole the 2000 election. Just as many if not more believe that Republicans stole a seat on the Supreme Court from Merrick Garland.

Failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's defeat last November finally brought attention to what has happened slowly since 2010: Democrats are not only slipping at the national level but also the state level. At first, people focused anger on President Donald Trump and Republicans, but that has changed in Democrat-friendly California. The tipping point this month happened when the state assembly decided to shelve a universal health care bill. Activists stormed the capitol and even sent death threats to legislators.

The Russia narrative is pretty much dead in the water. So now Democrats, who have never accepted Trump's victory in the 2016 election, are trying a new strategy to remove him from office by questioning his mental health.

If you know anything about President Obama, you know that he loves to campaign and he's quite good at it. He loves speaking to adoring crowds of fans, and answering softball questions from his disciples in the press. Obama signaled his eminent return to politics by weighing in on the special election in Georgia. Politics USA reported:
Obama Jumps Into GA Special Election Race To Slam ‘Shameful’ GOP Voter Suppression Tactics Just a day before voters in Georgia’s sixth congressional district will choose between underdog Democrat Jon Ossoff and Trump-supported Republican Karen Handel, former President Barack Obama jumped into the race to slam GOP efforts to suppress the vote.

The Democratic National Committee hit a record low for fundraising in April and the news got no better in May. After Democrat donors pumped a massive amount of cash into the Georgia runoff election this month, the party as a whole is hurting financially. Anna Giaritelli reports at the Washington Examiner:
Democrats had the worst May fundraising since 2003 The Democratic National Committee raised nearly $4.3 million in May, making it the organization's worst May on record for fundraising since 2003, according to newly released Federal Election Commission data.

The Democrats' obsession with Russia-Trump collusion conspiracy theories has been long on innuendo, and short on facts. Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy has been a leader in spreading the innuendo. During a February interview with CNN, Murphy warned it's "as scary as it gets":

THEY DO EXIST! Yes, Congress still has Blue Dog Democrats within its walls. The group consists of only 18 members, but it could be enough to push tax reform through this year. These Democrats view themselves as ones who can help "broker a bipartisan deal." The Hill reported:
“If it’s constructive, if they’re genuinely interested in ideas and making it a bipartisan effort, then the Blue Dogs are certainly willing to participate,” said Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-Ga.), a member of the group.