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Crime Tag

In a jaw-dropping case involving an illegal alien wanted for deportation, a police officer's weapon, and local law enforcement not only ignoring an ICE request to block his release but removing an ICE monitoring device, a young San Francisco man has been murdered during a robbery. The Sacramento Bee reports:
Federal immigration agents were tracking a teenager who was facing deportation when he fatally shot a popular community volunteer during a robbery in San Francisco, authorities said Friday. The slaying occurred on Aug. 15, four days after sheriff's investigators say 18-year-old Erick Garcia-Pineda stole the murder weapon from the personal car of a San Francisco police officer.

There are days that I feel that I am living in the Twilight Zone. Then, I remember I live in California, the place where the state capital OK's a plan to give $1.5 million to gang members so they won't kill.
Following a fatal shooting last weekend in a city park, the Sacramento city council unanimously approved a controversial program called Advance Peace in an effort to address a recent spike in violence.

Only hours before the execution, Missouri Governor Eric Greitans granted a stay of execution for Marcellus Williams due to new DNA evidence that may exonerate him. From CNN:
"A sentence of death is the ultimate, permanent punishment," Greitens said in a statement. "To carry out the death penalty, the people of Missouri must have confidence in the judgment of guilt. In light of new information, I am appointing a Board of Inquiry in this case."

Chicago endured six homicides this weekend, which puts the city's homicides at almost 400 for 2017. The Chicago Tribune puts the number at 391:
There have been at least 391 homicides this year, four more than last year when violence reached levels not seen in two decades, according to data kept by the Tribune. The number of people shot, however, is down from last year: 2,112 compared to 2,337.

OJ Simpson has received parole for his 2008 conviction of an armed robbery of two sports memorabilia dealers. From Fox News:
Commissioner Tony Corda begins. He says Simpson committed a crime and was sent to prison. He says Simpson has no prior convictions and is low risk. He has community support and has heard from Simpson and his victim. "The question is if you have served enough time in this case." Corda votes to grant parole.

The investigation into female genital mutilation (FGM) in Michigan has now spread to five other states after authorities identified possible new defendants. The lawyer for Dr. Jumana Nagarwala, the woman charged with performing FGM on numerous girls, disclosed this information in new court documents "to show the complexity of the case and explain why" the court should release her client "from jail to prepare for trial.

The Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) is entangled in a new controversy only a week after the public lashed out at officials for refusing to release video footage of crimes over fears the videos would incite racism. Recent reports indicate that BART has seen double the amount of rapes in the first six months of 2017 than all of 2016.