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College Insurrection Tag

Under Trump, the left has decided that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency is an evil organization. The agency has existed since 2003 but progressives act as if it was born after election day in 2016. Rutgers University in New Jersey recently held a public service and government jobs fair. Student activists calling themselves "RU Dreamers" successfully got ICE to drop out of the event.

When I first saw this story, I thought maybe it was a hoax, or at least parody. But apparently it's for real, or at least the campus newspaper The Spectator treats it as being real. It's about my alma mater, Hamilton College, which has seen its share of social justice activism in recent years reflecting a generational faculty shift to the left.  Hamilton is a textbook example of how a relatively small group of left-wing faculty activists can take over an institution, as detailed in our 2012 post, Western Civilization driven off campus at Hamilton College.