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Bumper Stickers Tag

Some of us want Obama supporters to cry themselves to sleep on November 6, others just want to wipe the smug grins off their faces. I say, why not both? I don't know what it is about the "It's Working, You're Welcome" sticker that gets under my skin more...

in 2012. From reader ProfShadow: Here is one from Jacksonville, Florida on Friday, Sept 21 ...

From reader Mori: I spotted this today at the library in Carlsbad, CA. Not sure if you've posted this one. I'm noticing more Romney stickers than Obama stickers...

From Jamie, who photographed this sign in Waycross, Georgia: My mom @wheeekmom told me to send them to you cuz you do bumper stickers :) Be sure to check out Jamie's endorsement of Mitt Romney, Can we afford? ...

From reader Larry in Miami, who took this photo on Lincoln Rd in South Beach.  Larry is an expectant father, and further writes: That debate was so exciting! We were jumping up and down on the sofa LOL Please don't let the mother-to-be jump on the couch,...

will be punished severely.  I think the building inspector just found several violations. From commenter 9th District Neighbor, who took this photo in Glenview, IL (Cook County): I snapped this photo today—the sign is very recent, it probably went up over the weekend. North suburban Cook County is...

Or is it Ma'am? Anyway, I'm still stuck on merely questioning authority. Spotted in Ithaca: [Note - this post was supposed to run at 7:00 a.m. today, but I scheduled it incorrectly.  It actually went live around 9 a.m.]...

Cause we're dying here. From reader "B" spotted in Roslyn Heights, NY: ...

From reader Dac: From Raleigh, North Carolina. Local GOP is jazzed for the election! ...

They apparently have not heard of the free cell phone deal. From Richard in Portland, Oregon: Spray painted on the side of a railroad car isn't the same as a bumper sticker, but that also can explain the rather less than witty expression of opinion. ...

From reader Brian. Which state could this possibly be? Don't read the comments before voting, in case there is a spoiler. Poll open until 5 p.m. Eastern today Which state? UPDATE: It's California....

Save the Freedoms! From Linda, who took photos of this vehicle in the Costco parking lot in Franklin, TN: ...

From reader Judy, who reports: Local elections --- We are vacationing on Cape Ann in Massachusetts and find that there are an almost equal number of Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren yard signs and bumper stickers -- so many of each that we gave up counting. National...

The final part of the vehicle in Fort Worth which is like a whole other country.  See Part 1 and Part 2. Two views of the drivers side, so you can get the full flavor. My favorite, near the rear, "I made the DHS list!" ...