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Blogging Tag

The role of bloggers as the tip of the conservative arrow has been much in the news this week. The David Gregory gun-law issue is one example, as is the reaction to the newspaper which published the names and addresses of law-abiding gun owners. It is,...

TaxProf's law professor blog rankings for the trailing 12 months ending September 30, 2012, are out. Don't expect the growth to last.  The post-election traffic is really ugly (by that I mean numbers, not faces, you are all beautiful in your own way). Keep in mind that Instapundit...

Since Professors Reynolds and Althouse already have linked to it, it won't seem like shameless self-promotion for me to link to Five Bloggers I’d Like To See On FOX News written by Aleister at American Glob: 5. Ed Morrissey Hot Air is one of the best conservative blogs...

As is obvious from my posts, I never read what people outside the conservative bubble say.  So when you see me critiquing almost daily what liberal (and even worse, libertarian) pudits are saying, it's all an illusion.  I'm deep in the bubble.  So deep, I don't...

From a reader this morning. Perhaps in response to my post. Dear Professor Jacobson: I'm not sure quite how or when I discovered your excellent blog, but I am certainly glad that I did, and that you are writing it. So, thank you. As an interested reader, I appreciate...

I bet you didn't realize that conservative media was to blame for Mitt Romney's loss by about 3% of the total vote, much closer in swing states. That's the story line at Buzzfeed Politics, How The Conservative Media Lost The Election.  It is a story with barely a dissenting...

The inevitable post-election lull seems like a good time to sits and think. And one of the things I sits and thinks about is the future of small conservative blogs. There seems to be a corporate consolidation of blogs on the right and the left.  Already liberals are...

Some thoughts. Should Romney lose, there will be trolling beyond belief, including liberals trying to get Republicans to fight with each other in order to tear the party apart. There are fights which will need to be had, but not tomorrow.  Operation Demoralize never stops. Don't...

You'd think that after four years of looking forward to Tuesday, I'd have a master plan for the blog for the day. You'd be wrong. I'm still thinking through what to do, but here's the current thinking -- During the day, have a general "Open" thread, with separate posts...

Or you will miss the images below. I treat Technorati's rating of "authority" in the blogsphere the way I treat polls.  When the rating is good for me, it's science.  When the rating is bad for me, it's witchcraft. Today it is good. For the first time ever, Legal Insurrection has broken into the top...

Four years ago today, the day the Legal Insurrection snowball started rolling down hill, the day after which there was no turning back, the day which meant I never would be a Czar in Obama's America, the day on which I posted Obama is “Door  No. 2″: Obama...

The Good Wow.  Just Wow at the reaction.  I never imagined that Empty Chair Day would sweep the nation, take over Twitter, make its way to the banner headline at Drudge and stories at The Wall Street Journal and elsewhere. (added) Michael Patrick Leahy has details...

Drudge and LI have something in common.  August 2012 was our best month ever in terms of traffic.  LI had 1,449,541 page views, Drudge had 943,281,513. Of course, I didn't build it on my own, nobody does.  I was helped by the very generous linkage of Prof. Glenn Reynolds,...

The right to be offended is the foundation of our democracy. And the blogosphere. Thanks to reader Amy, who writes: I'm vacationing in Washington state, but here in the agricultural area of the Yakima valley, people are more conservative than the liberal coast--and it shows. Love your blog!...

Is anyone getting "spawned" when visiting LI? A reader has complained that links produce multiple "spawned" pages. I've never had the problem, and our site is clean of viruses as far as we can determine. Is anyone else having this problem?...

I know I shouldn't take these sort of things personally. But really, must they taunt me? In case you missed it: ...

The comment section has become ugly lately particularly as regards posts regarding the Zimmerman case. You all know who you are. I hate having to do this, but anyone who engages in personal attacks on other commenters or tries to publish personal information about other commenters will...

that I post TaxProf's quarterly law professor blog rankings merely for informational purposes. External measures like blog traffic are not important to me. No, I blog for the personal satisfaction of expressing my views to complete strangers who communicate with me using fake names. That and that alone...