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Black Lives Matter Tag

As the calls from left-wing activists to "defund the police" have grown in the two weeks since the death of George Floyd, so, too, have the explainers from the MSM on how "defunding the police" is supposedly not about getting rid of police departments altogether but instead is about partially shifting some police funding into local communities.

While Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan (D) has described the six-block “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ) in the city as being "more like a block party" with the potential to turn into a "summer of love" than an "armed takeover" or "military junta," Seattle's police chief is painting a much different and far more troubling picture of what's happening when news cameras aren't rolling.

In recent weeks, Tucker Carlson of FOX News has been a lone voice in the media wilderness. No one on television has been more brutally honest about what is happening in America right now. Carlson has even had the guts to criticize Black Lives Matter. For this, he must be punished.

As you know, there is an effort to get me fired from Cornell Law School because of my criticisms of the Black Lives Matters Movement, and failing firing, get me officially denounced by the law school. It does not appear they will get me fired, but they did succeed in getting an official denunciation. See these posts for background:

I've seen people on social media vent frustrations over the riots, looting, and the Seattle autonomous zone called CHAZ because all of that has hijacked the message and conversation we all need to have. The African American Community Advisory Council (AACAC) in Seattle had it out with CHAZ the other day, especially since the zone took over the police precinct.

I appeared last night on the Laura Ingraham show to talk about my post, There’s an effort to get me fired at Cornell for criticizing the Black Lives Matter Movement. Much of the conversation turned on a Statement issued late yesterday afternoon by Cornell Law School Dean Eduardo M. Peñalver defending my academic freedom and stating that no disciplinary action would be taken, but otherwise condemning me.

There is an effort underway to get me fired at Cornell Law School, where I've worked since November 2007, or if not fired, at least denounced publicly by the school. Ever since I started Legal Insurrection in October 2008, it's been an awkward relationship given the overwhelmingly liberal faculty and atmosphere. Living as a conservative on a liberal campus is like being the mouse waiting for the cat to pounce.

The Black Lives Matter movement was born of the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. While the BLM founders started their organizing after the prior Trayvon Martin case, it was Brown and Ferguson which launched the BLM movement into the public spotlight through the protests and riots in Ferguson. Nothing was more associated with the BLM movement than the chant "hands up, don't shoot," based on the narrative that Brown had his hands raised and said 'don't shoot' when shot. That same chant drives protesters and rioters ripping up cities after the George Floyd killing.