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Beto O’Rourke Tag

Beto O'Rourke hasn't announced his candidacy for 2020 yet, but the folks at 'Draft Beto' have already released an ad, which I guess is supposed to get people excited for his inevitable run. The ad is just like Beto, all style and no substance. It's set to the classic song 'Baba O'Riley' by The Who, which will leave anyone under the age of 40 asking: Who?

Beto O'Rourke is scoping out a presidential run. According to Buzzfeed, his recon included a call to Al Sharpton to schedule a meeting. A Sharpton spokeswoman confirmed to Buzzfeed that "they spoke and agreed to meet within the next couple of weeks and they had a great conversation."

Elizabeth Warren's presidential ambitions are taking hits from all directions. You expect it from the "dark money" "right-wing" "extremists" Warren complains about. But the cruelest cuts are coming form the left and her own once-upon-a-time supporters. And it all comes down to a problem Legal Insurrection has been following since May 2012, Warren's ethnic deception in claiming Native American status for employment purposes.

Thursday night, Project Veritas released it's latest undercover video. The video appears to show Beto staffers discussing what they know to be improper campaign spending. In the video, various staffers discuss using campaign funds to help incoming immigrants. This is not one staffer suggesting as much nor a volunteer, but several different staffers suggesting (based on the video clips provided by Project Veritas) they're aware using campaign funds is not allowed and go on to discuss ways to skirt the spending rules. One even mentions the possibility that getting busted could invoke a $50,000 fine.

Elections bring out the best and brightest our country has to offer, like this guy. In Montrose (Houston's artsy and therefore more liberal pocket), a mustachioed man was filmed pulling up and destroying Ted Cruz yard signs. When confronted, he yelled, "I hate Ted Cruz!" and retreated to a coffee shop.

Not since Wendy Davis have we seen national liberals fall so much in love with a Texan. You remember Wendy, the wannabe Governor of Texas, who with her pink sneakers became a national sensation and fundraising juggernaut after her very public opposition to pro-life legislation.