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Beto O’Rourke Tag

2020 presidential candidate Robert O'Rourke became the latest Democrat to call for Congress to begin the process to impeach President Donald Trump after the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report. From The Dallas Morning News:
"We're finally learning the truth about this president. And yes, there has to be consequences. Yes, there has to be accountability. Yes, I think there's enough evidence now for the House of Representatives to move forward with impeachment," he said in an interview with The Dallas Morning News. "This is our country, and this is the one chance that we get to ensure that it remains a democracy and that no man, regardless of his position, is above the law."

Apparently this is the week 2020 presidential candidate Robert "Beto" O'Rourke has chosen to veer off even further to the left. On Wednesday, the former El Paso Congressman kissed Rev. Al Sharpton's ring while eagerly declaring (newfound) support for reparations. And on Thursday in Iowa, O'Rourke unequivocally compared President Trump to Adolf Hitler, taking a page straight out of the far left's 2020 "take back the White House" playbook.

It's "Al Sharpton Primary" week in New York City, and many of the 2020 Democratic candidates for president have lined up to kiss the reverend's ring at the annual National Action Network convention. One in particular is Beto O'Rourke, failed candidate for U.S. Senate. In a flip flop from his earlier positions on the reparations issue, the former El Paso Congressman told the crowd in attendance Wednesday he'd be on board with signing a proposed reparations bill:
Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke appeared Wednesday to back off his initial opposition to slavery reparations, saying he would support a bill in Congress to study and consider the payments.

What Beto O'Rourke lacks in policy chops, he seems to make up for in fundraising abilities. During the 2018 midterms he amassed a war chest of $80 million dollars. After officially launching his 2020 presidential bid, he raked in over $6 million in 24 hours. Now Beto has attracted some of Obama's top funders and a former Obama aide.

Stan Herd is a crop artist. Using land, dirt, and plants he creates incredible masterpieces. His latest work of art features a mug of failed Texas Senate Candidate and former Congressman, Beto O'Rourke. Revealed the same day Beto announced his presidential candidacy, the crop circle will remain intact for the remainder of the week.

Apparently, Robert "Beto" O'Rourke was a member of a teenage hacking group called Cult of the Dead Cow. An intrepid Reuters reporter, who was researching a book at the time, tracked down and confirmed this story prior to the 2018 midterms, but agreed to hold it until after Texas voters headed to the polls to vote for their choice for Senate.  In that race, O'Rourke lost to incumbent Senator Ted Cruz (R).

On Wednesday night, former Democrat Texas Rep. Robert O'Rourke texted KTSM in his hometown of El Paso, TX, to inform the station that he is running for president. O'Rourke made it official on Thursday morning with the launch of his website and video that urged "Americans to look past their differences in order to confront the challenges facing the country."

The surest sign that Beto is running is that a leader of "Draft Beto 2020" just shared a video of Bernie Sanders on his honeymoon in the Soviet Unino 1988:
"Recently discovered footage from 1988 reveals a shirtless Bernie Sanders with his wife, Jane, on their honeymoon in the USSR, drunkenly signing “This Land Is Your Land” with a group of presumed Soviets."