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Abortion Tag

The March for Life is an amazing event that brings pro-lifers from all over the country to D.C. to march in support of the sanctity of each and every human life. Life, we believe, begins at conception and is not subject to convenience or circumstance of birth. For years, anti-lifers, though they prefer the innocuous "pro-choice" moniker, have argued over fetal viability, have tried to convince themselves (and others) that a fetus is not really a person, and have discussed at length when a fetus becomes a baby.

A complaint launched by the pro-life group, The Center for Medical Progress back in September of 2015 has resulted in the shuttering of two California-based bioscience companies. The CMP gained notoriety for releasing a string of undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood's role in the aborted baby part industry.

I blogged this morning that Rep. Tim Murphy decided to retire at the end of his term after details about his affair came to light, including texts from his mistress in which she accused him of trying to convince her to have an abortion. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) announced that he received a resignation letter from Murphy. From Politico:
“This afternoon I received a letter of resignation from Congressman Tim Murphy, effective October 21," Speaker Paul Ryan said in a statement. "It was Dr. Murphy's decision to move on to the next chapter of his life, and I support it."

Rep. Tim Murphy (R-PA) has received praise and endorsements from pro-life and pro-family groups since he came into Congress in 2003. But Murphy announced he will not seek re-election after texts leaked between him and the woman he was having an affair with revealed that he urged her to have an abortion during a pregnancy scare.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that bans abortions after 20 weeks, mostly along party lines. Three Democrats voted yes while two Republicans voted no. Now the bill heads to the senate where it may die since it needs 60 votes to pass. The GOP only holds a two seat majority.

Republican Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner has angered the party and conservatives after he signed a bill that will allow Medicaid and state employee insurances to cover abortion. The law will also keep abortion legal in Illinois is the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.

South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster (R) has issued an executive order that cuts public funding to abortion clinics in the state. McMaster demanded that the state's Medicaid agency ask the "federal government to exclude abortion clinics from the state's Medicaid provider."

The protest in Charlottesville, VA, had this week filled with news of people all of a sudden wanting to tear down Confederate statues, which evolved to changing names and even demands targeting our founders.

Last month, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) caused quite a stir when he decided the party will not withhold funds from Democrat pro-life candidates. He understands the party is in trouble and needs to branch out. But abortion fanatics have decided to fight back against this decision, including Planned Parenthood. The fight has caused even more problems for the beleaguered Democrat party as it tries to find a way to secure more seats in Congress.

The majority of females in Iceland choose to murder their unborn child if the down syndrome prenatal test comes back positive, which has led to almost no one left on the island with Down syndrome. Key thing to remember: The people on the island are NOT eliminating Down syndrome. They are murdering people with Down syndrome. In 2009, Thordis Ingadottir became pregnant with her third child when she was 40. The test showed that her child had a slim chance of having Down syndrome, but Agusta was born with it. Only three children born in 2009 in Iceland had Down Syndrome.

Desperation and panic have shown up in the Democrat Party today. Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D-NM), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman, told The Hill that the party will not withhold funds from Democrat pro-life candidates:
“There is not a litmus test for Democratic candidates,” said Luján, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman. “As we look at candidates across the country, you need to make sure you have candidates that fit the district, that can win in these districts across America.”

Democrat Oregon Governor Kate Brown is expected to sign House Bill 3391-B which will make abortion free for all, residents and non-residents of the state. From LifeSite News:
The law would force health insurers to cover abortions without any co-pay and give more than $10 million for abortions and other “reproductive services” to Medicaid. Pro-lifers predict that most of the $10 million will go to Planned Parenthood.

The local Philadelphia theater company Lightning Rod Special has announced a new play it will debut in August...a musical comedy about abortion. From Philadelphia Magazine:
The abortion musical has its roots at the Pig Iron School for Advanced Performance Training, where [co-creator Alice] Yorke and the co-creators studied. Yorke says it was there that she developed a character of an “irate gun-toting fetus running around and shouting about how it would kill anyone who tried to hurt it.”