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2012 Republican Primaries Tag

According to Juan Williams, Christie only will get in if it looks like Palin is getting in, setting himself up as the anti-Palin, since she would be unstoppable against the current field: What will it take to get Chris  Christie to say yes and run for...

I was the guest of Kevin Whalen of Pundit Review on WRKO in Boston.  WRKO is one of the major Boston stations which covers almost all of New England, and the Pundit Review has had the Sunday night spot for several years. We covered Rick Perry, the...

Over 2400 votes cast. Herman Cain wins with an overwhelming 46%  based on the current field, with Perry (21%) and Romney (10%) far behind.  Sarah Palin wins big in an expanded field including Chris Christie, at 58% with Cain dropping to second at 14%, Christie at 13% , Perry at...

No one can legitimately complain that the deck was stacked, there was an anointed winner, the Tea Party movement was shut out, or the candidates have not been put through the ropes and the wringer. It may not end where we want it to end. But regardless,...

Everyone else is doing it, why not here? Run two ways, based on currently declared candidates, and a second time with Palin and Christie in the race.  Please vote twice, it's legal! Polls close 9 a.m. Eastern on Monday. If your primary were held today, who would you...

So where does last night's debate leave us? I'd say stage 4, although not all have made it that far: Denial √ In this stage, the world becomes meaningless and overwhelming. Life makes no sense. We are in a state of shock and denial. We go numb. Anger √ Be...

My initial reaction last night was that Rick Perry did not have a good night. My reaction this morning is that he had a disastrous night, possibly ending his chances of getting the nomination unless he gets his act together real soon.  I say "possibly" because it...

I already have debate fatigue. But will soldier on. Not "live blogging" but insightful and inciteful analysis at appropriate points. Comments are welcome and encouraged. Final Assessment:  Rick Perry didn't help himself; just don't understand why he's not more comfortable in this setting, not quick on his...

Via HotAir, Mitt Romney has scored two significant conservative endorsements recently, Jeff Flake and Darrel Issa.  While that may not constitute a coalescing around Romney, it does help insulate him from RINO charges.  Whatever he once was, is he now the conservative who can win? What's up...

Newt Gingrich has found his voice in the recent two debates.  He has been the most forceful and articulate voice lancing Obama and everything Obama stands for. Sure, Newt has the "baggage" but he is rising? ...

Will not be "live blogging" it, but will have some observations. Feel free to comment. At the 8:30 break:  Great line by Newt, Obama scares seniors every day.  He made a strong substantive point, which is that why should be have to live in a system where...

This strikes me as more significant than Pawlenty for Romney, because it represents the future of the Republican Party coming out for Perry, whereas Pawlenty in many ways represented the past.  Via CNN: Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is backing Rick Perry for president, a major endorsement...

In a post at NRO, praising Romney without bashing other Republican candidates: But he’s not only a family man, he is a man of principle. He believes in the bedrock conservative ideals of limited government and free enterprise. He will stand up for America’s allies when they...

I thought Romney did well last night, as did Perry (although expectations were higher for Perry).  Newt was the star. But, Romney's post-debate performance by his messaging team was horrid, playing the "kill social security card" on Perry.  We can quibble about whether the social security...

On The O'Reilly Factor (with Laura Ingraham sitting in) the other night, Ann Coulter claimed the status of the only brave conservative on TV willing to criticize Sarah Palin (full transcript at the link, video here): And it doesn't really matter, I might add, that, oh, it's...

Not going to be "live blogging" it, but will make some observations. Your comments are welcome. Update 8:40 p.m. - at the first break, I can't say there are any clear winners or losers.  Romney is doing well, dealing with his "issues" without any real problem.   Perry...

Steve Benen, liberal blogger at Washington Monthly, feigns ignorance over why Jon Hunstman is getting so much love and air time from the mainstream media despite no apparent electoral support: The question then becomes why Huntsman, Mr. One Percent, is getting special treatment. I know, I know. Because Hunstman...

Consider this an "open" thread. Because of travel, it's unlikely I'll get to watch the speech live.  It's scheduled for about 1 p.m. Central. The latest conventional wisdom is that there will be no presidential announcement or announcement that she's not running.  Rather, the speech will be...