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2012 Republican Primaries Tag

I really don't want this to turn into one of those foul-mouthed blogs, but this is pushing me to the limit: Asked if the country’s consistently high unemployment rate made him vulnerable in the upcoming 2012 election, Obama insisted “the least of my concerns at the...

As you know, I've been inching closer towards Newt as the not-Romney.  I don't believe being not-Romney is enough, and of all the remaining candidates, I believe that Newt has the ability to articulate a vision of this country which establishes him as the candidate to...

I'm finally back after a full day of travel, where I had to rely on CNN and MSNBC on the plane for coverage of the Politico story about Herman Cain. I can't really sort through all the details yet, too much has happened in the last...

Whether Rick Perry ends up showing up at the debates or not, this sends precisely the wrong signal.  This is not May or June.  If you want the nomination, you show up to debates in November and December, without hesitation: After a series of poor debate performances...

Romney and Perry are doing each other and themselves damage by going at it in the way they have been, which at times seems childish, petty and insincere, which has even such mainstream commentators as John Podhoretz (A Pack of Nonsense) and Scott Johnson (Send in the...

A friend writes: I'm sure you've been following Romney's latest flip-flop, in which he supported Kasich's anti-union initiative in June but today traveled to Ohio and claimed he wasn't familiar with the referendum.  It's just too much.  The guy disgusts me, and frankly I just don't...

Frank Luntz did a focus group on Hannity last night regarding the Las Vegas debate.  The group confirmed my view that Newt is rising. I can't find a video of it, but NewsMax has a partial transcript.  The group found that Newt won the debate hands down,...

My assessment of the Vegas debate remains the same at the top of the ticket, Perry won by exceeding expectations.  There were some negatives to his performance, such as the issue of Romney's lawn care company hiring illegals, which even if it was worth a...

Not going to "live blog" but will have some observations. END GAME: Perry the winner not because he was so much better than the others, but because he was so much better than he was previously.  He may have revitalized his campaign tonight.  Cain was damaged, but...

The more I see Rick Perry in action the more I like him, but the more I get the feeling that he's not up to the task of defeating Romney, much less Obama.  I'm not writing him off, at all, but he has to play...

Differing impressions of tonight's Republican debate in New Hampshire: According to Mitt Romney: Tonight's the night that the lights went out in Texas According to Rick Perry: And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive According to Herman Cain: Let me entertain you, let me make you smile According to Michele Bachmann: I am the tax...

The New Hampshire debate starts at 8 p.m. Eastern. I'll try to embed the live feed, since it's not on national television.  Here the link to the live broadcast (not able to find embed yet). You can partipate in the discussion in the Cover-It Live box...

I criticized Mitt Romney's campaign on the night of the Reagan Library debate for having a spokesman claim that Perry wanted to kill social security, linking to this tweet by John McCormack: The Romney campaign has been hitting similar themes for the past month.  It's the...

that never rings, and the e-mail account that never pings, from politicians seeking my highly influential support. Via AP, Romney, Perry try to recruit Christie, Palin fans: Rivals Rick Perry and Mitt Romney are furiously scurrying to recruit heartbroken holdouts who had hoped GOP celebrities Chris Christie...

What is David Frum going to do now that Sarah Palin is not running? What linguistic stunts can he pull to drive traffic to his website?  Who is he going to call a grifter and con artist in order to make himself feel relevant and edgy,...

Which candidate will most benefit from Palin not running? NOT who do you want to win, but who will benefit. Poll open until 5 p.m. Thursday. Which candidate most benefits from Palin not running? (NOT who do you want to win)...

Looking at the Republican field, it's hard to get very excited. There is no one in the field who is more than "not Obama."  Some are not "not Obama" more than others, but I'm not seeing someone to rally around. Having it all may not be in...