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2012 Republican Primaries Tag

I'm really looking forward to the Fox News Iowa Debate on December 15 in Sioux City. Really looking forward to it, because Romney has to go after Newt big time.  He can't leave it to Ron Paul or Michele Bachmann.  It's Tim Pawlenty time if he...

Prior to Rick Perry announcing he would run for President I brought on Katie Thompson to make the case for Perry.  Katie now is a leader of Students for Perry, and I predict, a future mover and shaker in Republican circles. Given all that has happened over...

LI reader and blogger Jeff Dobbs has a post up about Romney's media strategy, which can be termed "hide and hope they don't seek me" (that's my term).  Jeff compares it to Obama's strategy in 2008 of carefully controlling his exposure to the media. The strategy...

Newt Gingrich just released his first Iowa television ad, a few days after Rick Perry, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul did so. (Some SuperPACs have been running ads longer, but these are from the campaigns.) Very different themes, with Newt keeping it in a "Morning...

In the wake of Herman Cain's suspension of his campaign, lots of movement: Michele Bachmann claims to be picking up Cain supporters.  Just stop it.  Just stop it.  This is the same thing you pulled over the summer about Palin planning to endorse you. Rick Santorum seems...

John Hinderaker at Power Line writes the following about the departure of Herman Cain (bracketed "Points" mine): [Point 1] What happened to Herman Cain is what the Democrats intend to do to whoever the Republican nominee turns out to be.  They know they can’t win a...

What did I tell you just this morning.  Mitt Romney needs to take on Newt face-to-face, mano a mano, to demonstrate that Mitt is not Tim Pawlenty, someone who can dish it out through surrogates or in television interviews, but not in person. This is a sign...

Tim Pawlenty was the candidate who was going to be the not-Romney candidate conservatives could rally around. A successful relatively conservative Governor of a blue state, someone who had managed well, had campaign organization, and could bridge the gap between the Tea Party and establishment wings...

Ron Paul released a very professionally done hit job on Newt.  It's all over at Drudge, HotAir, etc.  Not really surprising, since Paul and Newt apparently have some bad blood going far back, and Newt totally embarrassed Paul at the national security debate. While it would...

Taking another look at Michele Bachmann is one of the memes being pushed by people unhappy with the Newt/Romney choice in the wake of the likely departure from the race of Herman Cain. Why does Cain dropping out make Bachmann any better than she was? She's still...

Newt Gingrich has picked up the endorsement of New Hamsphire's largest newspaper, the conservative Manchester Union Leader. This newspaper endorses Newt Gingrich in the New Hampshire Presidential Primary. America is at a crucial crossroads. It is not going to be enough to merely replace Barack Obama next...

I've said it before, it's not enough to be a "not" candidate.  Not being Barack Obama is not enough, and not being Mitt Romney is not enough.  Any candidate who is to win the nomination and the general election is going to have to inspire,...

Wolf Blitzer started the night by confirming that Wolf really was his first name. In the introductory statements, Mitt Romney confirmed that Mitt was his first name. Except that it's not, it's Willard. Which leads to the Tweet of the Night from @AshleyRParker:  ...

Tonight is coverage of the national security debate hosted by CNN. To comment in the live feed please register in the CoverIt-Live box using OpenID (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Your Legal Insurrection registration will not work. If you comment anonymously, your comment will be held in...

As reported by The NY Times, Romney Shifts in Iowa, Playing to Win Quickly: Mr. Romney, who has been cautiously calibrating expectations about his chances in a state full of social conservatives, is now playing to win the Iowa caucuses. Television commercials are on the way,...