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2012 Republican Primaries Tag

About those lackluster Republican presidential candidate fundraising numbers. I think I'm fairly typical.  I'm sitting on my wallet because the field is not complete, or if it is complete, we don't yet know it.  And yes, there's a lack of excitement in the current field.  The most solid...

I told myself I wasn't going to do this, because it's Ed Rollins' job, but the blatent bias of Politico's article, Michele Bachmann's thin legislative resume, requires pointing out Politico's thinly thought-out attack. Here is the money line on page one of the Politico article: Now in her...

Not a fan of Ed Rollins, but you know that.  I guess this qualifies as Part 3 of the "Hey Ed Rollins, you deal with it" series. More than not being a fan of Ed Rollins, I keep questioning why Michele Bachmann started her campaign by having Rollins...

Maybe this will become the "Hey Ed Rollins, you deal with it" series, after Part 1 regarding the foul Rolling Stone attack on Michele Bachmann went over so well. This is how they do it, but you know all about that Ed, because you did it...

Via HotAir via WaPo comes news that Michele Bachmann "reportedly" ordered Ed Rollins to apologize to Sarah Palin for the nasty remarks Rollins threw Palin's way his first day on the job as a senior Bachmann campaign advisor. I've been busy the past few days with the...

Throwing things at politicians is a bad idea.   Anything.   How is security supposed to know if the perp is throwing glitter, or acid, or holding a knife.  Moving towards politicians in a threatening manner is just a bad idea. The activist who moved in a threatening...

Sarah Palin passed on the opportunity to make the kind of insulting comments about Michele Bachmann made by Bachmann's campaign adviser Ed Rollins about Palin.When asked (@4:35) whether Bachmann was qualified to be President, Palin answered "she is."She is classy, and understands that the way...

I saw this interview of Rick Perry yesterday afternoon, and I was impressed.  I'm not willing to commit yet, because the field is not complete and I don't know enough about him, but I'm intrigued by Rick Perry.  (Thanks for all your prior comments, give...

Michele Bachmann should not be enjoying all the praise the Palin haters are throwing her way, for they don't really mean it, except as a tool to "shut the door" on Palin.  Example:Doug Mataconis about last night's debate:Bachmann is a much better public speaker [than Palin]...

I did not see the New Hampshire debate last night because I was traveling, but the various news reports, including from mainstream conservative blogs, seem to indicate that Romney appeared presidential and in command, Bachmann got attention and likely name recognition, Pawlenty missed an opportunity,...

Michele Bachmann was interviewed by The Wall Street Journal:"If I'm in, I'll be all in," says Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, artfully dodging my question of whether she's running for president. Given that she just hired campaign strategist Ed Rollins, whose past clients include Ross Perot...

(by Michael Alan)By now you've probably heard veteran campaign strategist Ed Rollins' comments about Sarah Palin:Sarah has not been serious over the last couple of years. She got the vice presidential thing handed to her. She didn't go to work in the sense of trying...

The buzz is that Rick Perry has hired away some former Newt senior campaign staffers, and is giving serious consideration to jumping in the race.I truly don't know much about him.  So tell me about Rick Perry.Updates:  Since we're having comment function problems, I'll post...

...An adviser to Rep. Michele Bachmann sends over this fairly ruffles-smoothing statement: “The Congresswoman has nothing but admiration and respect for Governor Palin. The two enjoy a good friendship, and Rep. Bachmann looks forward to working with the Governor for the common goal of making...

This always happen.  I'm away from the internet for most of the day -- en route this time to my in-laws' 65th wedding anniversary weekend in Florida -- and stuff happens.Newt is on a cruise somewhere with the Mrs., and his staff resigns en masse.  Via...

This is a follow-up to my post yesterday, Michele Bachmann's First Big Mistake - Hiring Ed Rollins, regarding Rollins out-of-the-gate attacks on Sarah Palin:Hiring Rollins is an enormous mistake for Bachmann. It could be campaign killing. The people who hate Palin are the same people...

As I've said before, I like Michele Bachmann.   Not surprisingly, Bachmann has come under the same types of snide attack as Sarah Palin from the mainstream media, entertainment industry and left-blogosphere.  There is a special place reserved for conservative women in the Democratic toolkit of mockery and derision.But Bachmann...

I've been dreading this day, because even when I asked you to tell me about other candidates, you told me about Mitt Romney.While the MSM tells us that Sarah Palin is the most divisive Republican, I don't think that's true in the Republican primaries.Please hold...