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In a new video that claims to show some of the Nigerian girls recently kidnapped from a school in Chibok, a purported Boko Haram leader said the girls would only be released if exchanged for militant prisoners in custody. From Agence France-Presse: Boko Haram’s leader...

Have you gotten a sense that idiots have taken over higher education? UCLA Considers Diversity Requirement for Undergrads Student Alleges Prof Warned Ted Cruz-Teabaggers to Leave Class or go Home in Body Bag Professor Tries to Ban God at Graduation, Fails College in NM Spends...

Adding to tensions between the U.S. and Russia over the situation in Ukraine, a Russian fighter jet made numerous close-range passes near a US Navy ship in the western Black Sea over the weekend.  The action came as Ukraine is confronting continuing conflicts with pro-Russian...

Hillary seems like a fighter in the Tenth Round of the match.