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I am delighted to let Legal Insurrection readers know that my College Insurrection compatriot, Aleister of American Glob, will be on’s Canto Talk program tonight (Thursday, Jan. 31st) at 7 pm Pacific/9 pm Central/10 pm Eastern Standard Time (click here for link). It is...

Genealogist Megan Smolenyak is quoted in The Wall Street Journal article about common misperceptions about family lore, “Grandma Did What?” Digging Up the Roots of Family Lore. One of those common misperceptions, according to Smolenyak, is as follows: “Great grandma was a Cherokee.” Many people...

I am still shocked by the Speaker of the House John Boehner’s shock that President Obama said, “We don’t have a spending problem.” That Obama is using the debt as a weapon of mass destruction cannot be a surprise to anyone who has followed news...

Fighting the conservative media on Newt, including attempts to strip Newt of his accomplishments and history. Defending Rush against Media Matters and StopRush. Helping advance Mia Love to national attention. Fighting the false racial narrative in the Trayvon Martin shooting. Helping to defeat Richard Lugar....

There were 10 videos produced or enabled by Legal Insurrection included in the competition for Legal Insurrection Video of the Year. The results of the Reader Poll are in, and the winner was Anne’s attempt to ask Elizabeth Warren a simple question at the Netroots...

It’s getting towards that time of the year when we start selecting the Best Of. 2012 was the first year in which we started focusing on videos, thanks in large part to Anne joining us in June.  A couple of our videos changed the national...

A follow up to Hopeless in Rhode Island. Boston talk radio host Michael Graham writes, DON’T Run, Scott, Don’t Run! Actually, I have no problem with Scott Brown running in the special election we all expect to have in a few months after John Kerry...

Using a sports team name which may be offensive to Native Americans, or ripping off their heritage and identity for your own professional gain? The team bus of the Liberal High School (KS) Redskins, in a photo take in early November: Professor, On my way home...

John Kerry to Be Nominated to Be Secretary of State, Sources Say: Sources tell ABC News that President Obama has decided that he will nominate Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., to be secretary of state. If confirmed, which he will be (emphasis mine): If nominated by the...

From Molly Ball at The Atlantic, Sorry, Democrats: 4 Ways Progressives Are About to Have Their Hopes Dashed: Ever since Election Day, the left has been riding high. Not only did President Obama and Democrats across the country win big on Nov. 6, the president...

Meteorologists who examine their prognosticative skill often notice a curious phenomena.  Forecasts for snow on December Twenty-fourths and Twenty-fifths have higher probabilities than forecasts for Twenty-sixths or Twenty-sevenths.  This disparity is inverted on the Fourth of July, where probabilities for rain are lower than for...

From a reader this morning. Perhaps in response to my post. Dear Professor Jacobson: I’m not sure quite how or when I discovered your excellent blog, but I am certainly glad that I did, and that you are writing it. So, thank you. As an...

From Thomas on October 11: I went to your website to get your take on last night’s Brown-Warren debate, and I started leafing through your archives. I found your post entitled, I want this person to cry herself to sleep on November 6, with the...

There is something seriously wrong. Via The Boston Globe (h/t NRO)(emphasis mine): As Elizabeth Warren walked through the marble corridors of the Capitol on Tuesday, she tried assiduously to keep a low profile. Walking arm in arm with Senator-elect Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, Warren passed...

Andrew Marcus, producer of Hating Breitbart, After Election 2012: WWBD — What Would Breitbart Do? Everything that Andrew predicted in my film, Hating Breitbart, played out in real-time during the election right before our eyes.  From Candy Crowley interrupting and taking Obama’s side in the...