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On Friday we asked:  Which was worse: Middlebury 9/11 flag-grabbing or Oberlin racism hoax? It arose from the actions of Anna Shireman-Grabowski, a Middlebury student, who felt compelled to destroy a 9/11 memorial on campus by trashing thousands of small American flags, each one representing...

The internet fights back to overcome liberal funding bias on campus: UNC Gives far left groups larger budget than College Republicans Campus leaders at UNC Chapel Hill find conservative women unworthy to speak UNC Republicans crowd-source fundraising to bring conservative speakers to campus Rioting is...

I believe Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal and Ted Cruz to be “natural born Citizens” and eligible to be President.  Here’s why. 1. Summary There are few eligibility requirements to be President.  You don’t have to be smart, wise, experienced, honest, educated, or a particular gender or race....

Larry Sabato came out with his rankings of presidential contenders today. I was going to write about the downgrade of Marco Rubio, but that’s old news. More interesting is the rankings of Democrats. There is no “First Tier” other than Hillary. The drop from Hillary...

The Great Unpaid: The Joke’s on NBC: SNL interns join class action suit seeking unpaid wages American U. Student: Unpaid internships exacerbate inequality U. of Arizona Student: Paid internships should be the rule, not the exception (from the Legal Insurrection archives) Elizabeth Warren pays interns...

Dan Bongino — future Congressman in MD-06 — delivered the keynote speech at the Convervative Soiree in Maryland. You can check out CLASSIC VIDEO: Ronald Reagan’s 1986 Independence Day Address at American Glob, run by Aleister who also helps us at College Insurrection. From Michael...

1) When all else fails focus on Israel I’m not sure that the editors of the New York Times realized how absurd the title of this recent article on the Middle East sounded, Chaos in Middle East Grows as the U.S. Focuses on Israel. Surely...

It’s grim out there: A third of Millennials regret going to college New Poll Sheds Light on Grim Reality for College Graduates New report says overdue student loans have hit all time high Just bare it: UC Boulder student has naked freak out after eating...

Newer readers may not know about the Tip Line.  It’s not just a Tip Line, it just is named Tip Line.  It’s a place, um, to leave tips, but it’s also a place where readers can have a conversation on topics not really covered by...

As a citizen activist, I remember how thrilled we were with the results of the 2010 election, in which the Republicans made enormous gains that were suppose to protect the free market. Fast forward to 2013.  The Senate has just approved the “Marketplace Fairness Act“,...

Pretty much the only mention we made about the Massachusetts Senate special election to fill the seat vacated by John Kerry was a spotlight on February 12 about Gabriel Gomez, The Great Republican Hope (in Massachusetts)? Gomez won the primary yesterday pretty handily, and will...