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“Independence Day” offers warning and inspiration to conservatives

“Independence Day” offers warning and inspiration to conservatives

I am still shocked by the Speaker of the House John Boehner’s shock that President Obama said, “We don’t have a spending problem.”

That Obama is using the debt as a weapon of mass destruction cannot be a surprise to anyone who has followed news of the growing deficit even slightly since his first term.  Furthermore, when the man greeted Republican representatives sent to compromise on the proposed 2009 “Stimulus Package” with “I won”, Congress should have taken statement more seriously than it did.

The 1996 movie “Independence Day” provides a fine analogy to the type of compromise the White House will offer at any time on any topic:

Let’s assume for the sake of this discussion that the Republican national leadership truly wants to control spending (which, I think, could be debated).  Its mindset must be targeted for a complete counter-attack.

It is obvious that the traditional routes of going on the Sunday talk shows to woo the press and the American public are not working. So, other options must be seriously considered. Perhaps a the Republican Party or other conservative Super-PAC could unleash a few dollars between the traditional election cycle, and target Obama’s lack of comprise as well as his lavish lifestyle?

Consider the schadenfreude we independent conservatives are enjoying when we learn about the complaints and whining of Obama voters when the opened up the first paychecks of 2013. An ad with some of these remarks super-imposed with the spending-problem quote and an image of Obama’s Hawaiian paradise vacation.

I hear Rush Limbaugh constantly deriding “low informative voters”. Complaining about them isn’t going to make them “high information voters.” If wealthy conservatives want to make an real investment that will make a difference, they should buy and manage a women’s magazine and other sources of entertainment and popular culture and have it run by independent and creative people.

Romney’s failed campaign clearly shows money is squandered on big buck consultants who are sticking to the same tired formulas. Funny YouTube videos are fine, but those who want to reach “low information voters” need to be more innovative and less insulting.

But, it goes beyond just relying on political parties and organizations. Michael Hirsh of the National Journal wrote a piece that took a look at the current state of citizen activism: Why the Tea Party Lives On

It contains a chilling forecast for February.

Full of second-term verve, Obama declared unilaterally Tuesday that he will no longer negotiate over the nation’s debt limit after the brinkmanship of the last couple of years. “I will not have another debate with this Congress over whether or not they should pay the bills that they’ve already racked up through the laws that they passed,” the president said. With the new deadline on the “sequester” just two months away, he urged “a little less drama” in coming talks about cutting government spending.

Sorry, but I think the drama is far from over. The rebellion against the size of government is a true populist movement, and it’s not going away. The debt limit is still the biggest card the tea party has. They’re going to use it.

The President’s speech in “Independence Day” call on individuals to bravely go and confront the enemy. This will include us, acting as individuals, to reach out to “low information voters”, inspire conservative organizations to act proactively and not reactively, and stiffen the spine of individual members of Congress for this upcoming debt limit battle.  As it seems that the Republican Party won’t even mount a challenge to Minnesota  Joker Senator Al Franken, we really cannot depend on it at all.

As an aside, it may be time to join Wikipedia and fight for an independent take on its entries that have become a staple of internet research (hether you like this fact or not). Actually, I am a contributor!

Now would not be too soon to shock Team Obama, for a change.


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Maybe it’s time to require a civics test or IQ test to vote. Or maybe you need to own property. How is democracy served when idiots can vote?

How can you be shocked at Boner’s shock? He clearly can’t articulate libertarian-conservative ideas. Little doubt that he doesn’t understand or believe in them. He’s behaving true to form.

    Steve D in reply to punfundit. | January 10, 2013 at 7:49 pm

    ‘How can you be shocked at Boner’s shock?’
    In this case the author is using the term ‘shock’ purely as a literary device to make his writing more interesting (I hope). He is not literally shocked.

    left coast rebel in reply to punfundit. | January 10, 2013 at 7:50 pm

    “How can you be shocked at Boner’s shock? He clearly can’t articulate libertarian-conservative ideas. Little doubt that he doesn’t understand or believe in them. He’s behaving true to form.”

    Spot-on, punfundit! Not only can the man not articulate libertarian-conservative ideas (he’s good at crying, though), he simply doesn’t believe them. Why should that surprise us as he made his name brokering big-government socialist deals during GWB’s time (some of the worst legislation in the 2000s has his name and stamp of approval on it, including the Medicare prescription drug plan) and he was known second to only Tom DeLay as cozy with crook lobbyists. They don’t call it the Stupid Party for nothin’.

Two words: Economic jihad.

    jdkchem in reply to Uncle Samuel. | January 10, 2013 at 5:26 pm

    The first step would be to starve the beast by reducing the amount withheld to $0 on W-4’s. If a sudden massive drop in revenue does not send a message there is little hope.

TrooperJohnSmith | January 10, 2013 at 2:19 pm

Obama realizes that the only way to destroy the Republic and reshape America is to use the public largesse to first, buy votes, and second, drive us into the arms of Cloward-Piven chaos.

Boehner: idiot.

Entire GOP political leadership: idiots.

GOP voter who tolerate this: biggest idiot of all.

Obama is a powerful marxist-spawned dictator within our midst, as difficult as that is still for so many otherwise intelligent people to grasp and accept.

They don’t want to believe they could have been so wrong, so gullible, so… trusting.

What else does he have to do to prove it to them? Order them shot?

Boehner-head just makes me scratch mine sometimes.

1. Leslie, I’m fine with your suggestions but IMO you underestimate the gravity of our situation. You’re talking like we have a cold whereas we have lung cancer TB. Last Monday’s Rasmussen:

Views of the Tea Party movement are at their lowest point ever, with voters for the first time evenly divided when asked to match the views of the average Tea Party member against those of the average member of Congress. Only eight percent (8%) now say they are members of the Tea Party, down from a high of 24% in April 2010 just after passage of the national health care law.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 30% of Likely U.S. Voters now have a favorable opinion of the Tea Party. Half (49%) of voters have an unfavorable view of the movement. Twenty-one percent (21%) are undecided.

Real Conservatives™ may avoid polls like this, but I’m quite sure that Democrat pros pay attention.

2. This has been a public-service interruption. Now, back to our regularly scheduled whining about America’s evil Satanist Kenyan Mooslim jihadi Afrocentrist black supremacist Communist homosexual Manchurian Candidate traitor President…and the RINOs!

    gs – I must respectfully disagree with your assessment of how I personally view the situation. I agree that the elite media and insider politicos have managed to smear the Tea Party most effectively.

    However, the “tea party” is currently evolving into less reliance on the NYC/DC elites of either party, and more focus on localized efforts. This is a theme that I will be expanding upon in future posts.

    I will also be offering an array of examples, in the hope it inspires others.

Phillep Harding | January 10, 2013 at 3:24 pm

Time to require a common sense and IQ test before people vote?

I can think of some who would flunk the boot and urine test.