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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


An internal memo has now been revealed showing that Chinese officials warned the nation's leadership about the likely pandemic of a SARS-like virus on January 14, 2020, the Associated Press reports. President Xi JingPing and the other leading members of the Chinese Communist Party delayed an official annoucement warning the public until Janaury 20.


The $350 billion Paycheck Protection Program is about to run out of funding, after Senate Democrats blocked a proposed $250 funding increase unless Republicans agreed to unrelated Democrat funding requests. We covered the Senate Democrat action, fully supported by House Democrats led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, last week, Democrats block expansion of Paycheck Protection Plan, demand more unrelated spending:

Rebellion was bound to happen in Michigan. The governor there is issuing decrees that make no sense and appear to attempt to take from the people all control of their lives. This is a losing strategy in America, with our long tradition of freedom and liberty, and Governor Gretchen Whitmer is likely watching her chance to be Joe Biden's VP disappear as her diktats have enraged the population of her state.

As the Wuhan coronavirus rages across the world and our country, Americans are doing what Americans do.  We buy gift cards or take out from our favorite local restaurants. We pitch in sewing face masks for our neighbors. We play music to cheer our quarantined neighbors, shop for our elderly or at-risk neighbors, and so on. We are Americans, and we pull together in trying times like this.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) endorsed presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Joe Biden. Warren did not receive as much hate as she did when she did not endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) after he dropped out, but it looks like a "Never Biden" movement might make some waves like the "Never Hillary" people in 2016.

Few have heard of the “eco-Right” -- so-called conservatives who support the Left’s global warming policie -- but it’s arguably the biggest threat to the future of the conservative movement. These groups may call themselves “free market” environmentalists, but they preach the religion of manmade global warming with the same fervor as the left-wing faithful.

Our Founding Fathers never once said that the rights given to us by our Creator go out the door in the case of a viral pandemic. In other words, the Constitution still exists and it still protects us from tyrants. The Raleigh Police Department had the nerve to tell someone on Twitter that protesting is a non-essential activity.

Some local and state governments have tried to ban religious services, including drive-in Easter services, even though conducted in accordance with CDC 'social distancing' guidelines. It's government power grabs for the sake of power grabs. We highlighted this past weekend how a federal judge barred Kentucky from such anti-religious action, Federal Court Prohibits Louisville Mayor from Banning Easter Sunday Drive-in Church Service:

Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, that woman in Michigan, faces a massive protest after she extended orders in the state due to the Wuhan coronavirus. This includes banning the sale of non-essential items, including garden seeds in stores, and residence-to-residence travel for residents of the state. A man also drew up a recall petition on, which has received over 200,000 signatures.