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Just days ago we reported that George Zimmerman’s girlfriend wanted to drop charges and filed a court affidavit denying that any crime was committed. Prosecutors just announced that the State will drop charges.  Zimmerman’s ankle monitor was removed and he is a completely free man now....

UPDATES: Judge finds probable cause (no surprise). Prosecutor discloses unreported prior choking incident about a week ago. State asked for $50,000 bond, and certain exclusion zones, no contact, no weapons possession, etc. Defense asked for $4,900 based on state bond schedule. Judge sets $9,000 bond....

That could apply to so much of what is going on in the news. But I’m referring to Lawrence O’Donnell and Anthony Weiner.

George Zimmerman’s wife Shellie has reportedly filed to end the couple’s six year marriage. From ABC News: George Zimmerman’s wife Shellie has filed for divorce less than two months after he was acquitted of murder in the death of teenager Trayvon Martin. She filed the...

She’s already playing the race card. To add on top of the war-on-women card. More #racecard desperation==>In speech to ABA @HillaryClinton slams voter suppression & racial discrimination: — Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) August 13, 2013 Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about...

Leslie Eastman, who writes for Legal Insurrection and has her own blog, Temple of Mut, and Aleister from American Glob, both help run College Insurrection, including gathering the stories we aggregate there. In preparing this week’s College Insurrection “Week” post, I realized once again the great job...