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Kathleen It’s not surprising that politicians plead to stop Standard & Poor’s credit warning, they cannot risk losing their pristine rating. After all, there is now a one-in-three chance that the S&P; will downgrade the US Government’s rating in the next two years. Considering S&P;...

Back in November, Sarah Palin delivered a sharp criticism of Fed monetary policy, as reported by The Wall Street Journal: Sarah Palin, delving into a major policy issue a week after the mid-term elections, took aim Monday at the Federal Reserve and called on Fed...

Kathleen According to the SF Chronicle: Despite the promise that President Obama’s first Facebook town hall would open a new level of two-way communication with his constituents, social-networking technology didn’t add much to the conversation. Obama answered just eight questions during Wednesday’s hour-long session at...

Thank you, New York Times, for putting up your paywall.  Although there are ways around it, as my readers have suggested, I’m actually glad you made it more difficult to access your content. So much of my material over the past two and one-half years...

Local news in Wisconsin is reporting that JoAnne Kloppenburg has filed for a full statewide recount. Details to follow. Updates: Unfortunately I did not get to watch the news conference live. From what I read, it was a real tinfoil hat moment. I’ll post video...

On July 28, 2009, I posted about the obsession at Wonkette, a widely read liberal website, with attacking Trig Palin, Wonkette Goes After Trig Palin Again.  The author of the Wonkette article which was the focus of the 2009 post was Ken Layne, the co-owner of Wonkette after...

Israeli has arrested two teenage Palestininians from a village near where the Fogel family lived for the murder of the five Fogel family members, including three children.  As reported by the Jersusalem Post (h/t Israel Matzav): Two Palestinian youths from the village of Awarta were arrested...

Kathleen This week has hosted an unusual amount of conservative speakers on the Cornell campus. On Monday, Yuval Levin, of National Affairs fame, addressed the student body through our “Freedom and Free Societies” speaker series. Levin gave a really succinct overview of the implications of...

Last July I reported on the absurdity of federal Stimulus Plan money going to building miles of new sidewalks in Warren, Rhode Island, in areas where few people walked. Last November, I reported on the fact that the unnecessary new sidewalks were built improperly. Now I can...

I’ve had a chance to read Obama’s budget speech, and have seen clips on television. I was right in my anticipation that Obama would play the blame Bush game, and that he would demonize the “Top 2%,” and he did.  With gusto. But even I...

Kathleen Maddow referred to “nullification” as something only “racist neo-Confederates” would support. Tom Woods makes an apt criticism of this insipid characterization over at Lew Rockwell: Whatever happened to “small is beautiful,” Rachel? Remember that progressive slogan (along with “question authority,” yet another such slogan...

I never paid much attention to gun laws.  Now that I’ve finished my NRA basic handgun course, I’ll start on what will be a very, very long process to get a hand gun permit. The laws are byzantine.  In New York State, where I live...

The carnage in Syria continues at a dramatic pace, with the Syrian armed forces and/or police routinesly using live fire against protesters. Yet there is virtual silence from the world community and the Obama adminsitration.  Some recent words of  condemnation, but not much more.  No...

Via JSOnline, David Prosser has set up a webpage to help raise funds for the inevitable recount fight: After a challenging battle in which a historic number of votes were cast in a Supreme Court race, we need your help in preserving a victory for...

That’s the phrase that jumped out at me from Paul Ryan’s op-ed in The Wall Street Journal setting forth the Republican proposal to reform the system of entitlements which is driving us off a debt cliff (emphasis mine): No one person or party is responsible...