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Um, there’s so much I could say, so many comparisons I could make. But I’m not going to go there.  Because he knows who has been naughty, and I don’t want to get fishy flagged or end up on an #attackwatch list like Fuzzy. From a...

I will grant the Martin family enormous deference in the way they interact with the media.  They lost a child.  Whatever the facts of this case end up being, they lost a child.  Whatever the legal outcome ends ups being, they lost a child.  They are...

Ann Coulter’s Romney-promoting long ago went far beyond Romney promoting, into cheap shots against the Tea Party movement and just about anyone who was not on Team Romney.  Much like the caustic Jennifer Rubin, insulting the people Romney will need to unite behind him seems to be...

From reader John: I’ve been reading and enjoying your blog for a couple of years now. I particularly look forward to the wack job liberals and their off the wall bumper stickers. I live in WI and came across this vehicle which shows the right...

This is cold fusion: Hypothetically (and broadly) speaking, the process involves fusing two smaller  atomic nuclei together into a larger nucleus, a process that releases massive  amounts of energy. If harnessed, cold fusion could provide cheap and nearly  limitless energy with no radioactive byproduct or...

Is this really happening again?  Is Mitt Romney refusing, even assuming he is the nominee which looks likely, to release any more tax returns? Romney released his 2010 return and projections for 2011 only after a disastrous couple of weeks of refusing to do so.  I...

From fellow Central (Upstate) New Yorker Fred: I am a fan of your blog. I also enjoy the seeing bumper stickers from around the country. How about one from our backyard? I saw this one on a Prius at the Liverpool, NY YMCA. I was...

Via The Times of Israel: Precisely 10 years ago Tuesday evening, a 25-year-old man walked up a short flight of stairs and crossed through the lobby of a modest hotel near the beach in Netanya, a city on Israel’s Mediterranean coast. It was the first...

Tom Goldstein at ScotusBlog has an interim report: Based on the questions posed to Paul Clement, the lead attorney for the state challengers to the individual mandate, it appears that the mandate is in trouble.  It is not clear whether it will be struck down,...

Dick Lugar has a lot of campaign money. But he has problems.  In a Tea Party age he is a paradigm of insider Washington politics gone bad (for conservatives).  He has a questionable residence in Indiana, and his local election board even said he couldn’t vote...

When Dennis Kucinich lost his primary in a new district which required him to compete against an incumbent, I was disappointed. We need a Dennis Kucinich, someone by whom others can be measured — vertically, psychologically, dentally, and bumperstically. Run in Washington State, Dennis, Run: Rep....

Just as Bill Maher was pleading for an “amnesty” in the political correctness war to silence speech, Media Matters was committing $100,000 to an advertising campaign urging people to call local radio stations to complain about Limbaugh.  Via AP: The liberal Media Matters for America...

We live in a world where groups like Media Matters and Think Progress monitor and record every word uttered by any conservative of prominence in the media, hoping to find something “insensitive” with which to mount a campaign to silence the speaker through intimidation of advertisers....

Robert Costa says Newt’s not going to drop out: Think Newt is about to drop out? Nah. He’s loving this. Just watch this clip. This is classic Newt–of the moment, sly.… — Robert Costa (@robertcostaNRO) March 21, 2012