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A post at POWIP by an author who lives in Madison, WI, documents how in mid-March, with the budget repair bill having recently passed, a variety of unions in Sauk County acceded to all management demands, including giving “carte blanche [to the county] with regard to the...

As noted yesterday, Richard Goldstone has recanted and regretted much of his report issued on behalf of the United Nations Human Rights Council accusing Israel of serious war crimes during the Gaza war. So how do we cleanse the world of the putrid stench of...

Kathleen City Journal‘s Claire Berlinski has written a great article about the disinterest around Pavel Stroilov’s 50,000 unpublished, untranslated, top-secret Kremlin documents dating from the close of the Cold War. journalists [have] initially shown interest in the documents, only to [say] later that their editors...

The Report issued by Richard Goldstone on the Gaza war is the single most influential document in the arsenal of those around the world — including on campuses in the United States — who seek to demonize and delegitimize Israel. That Goldstone is Jewish gave supposed...

Dear George, I heard you just donated $1 million or so to Media Matters.  Demand a refund.  Their highest-paid Senior Fellow is spending his time checking my blog for spelling errors.  My readers already do that for me for free. You’ve been had. Yours truly,...

Notice how Democrats have been talking lately about how Republicans in Congress are held hostage by Tea Party-backed new members?  And how for years Democrats have made sure to use the term “extremist” when referring to Tea Parties? It’s a pre-planned line of attack by...

Court proceedings in Madison before Judge Maryann Sumi center on whether the budget repair bill has become law.  This is, as I posted before, a sideshow unnecessarily created by a TRO which interfered in the legislative process. I’ll be posting updates about the court proceedings...

From The Muqata: Talmud Study now Mandatory in South Korea Close to 50 million people live in South Korea, and everyone learns Gemara (Talmud) in school. “We tried to understand why the Jews are geniuses, and we came to the conclusion that it is because...

The more I read about John McCain, the more I cringe. “In September 2008 Condoleezza Rice traveled to Libya to have talks with Gadhafi. And just a few days before the 2008 presidential election, Bush signed a settlement under which Libya compensated families of victims...

Bryan Caplan, one of my favorite bloggers, will sometimes write a short review of a book he has read with a small snippet. Whenever the book involves communism, it is always a treat. His latest post, on Nothing to Envy: The Ordinary Lives in North...

Reports are just filtering in of a bus bombing in Jerusalem.  I’ll update as casualties and other information is reported. This is not surprising.  Hamas several days ago launched dozens of mortars against Israel leading to a round of retaliation, and the Israeli Fogel family...

In the past two weeks or so, everyone has been discussing the tragedy in Japan. In addition to the death toll, news headlines have been relentlessly speculating the impact of the Fukushima reactors. Matthew Shaffer’s latest piece in NRO helps amalgamate some of the best...

At the Telegraph & American Thinker, they explore the cultural differences that separate Japan from most other cultures. “The Japanese, in other words, are more rooted and socially connected, and even when they move around, they make an effort to get to know each other....

Is this really the worst pop song of all time? It could be the robotic vocal delivery. Or the inane chorus of “tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday comes afterwards”. But “the worst pop song of all time” has become a global sensation, catapulting its 13...

Jonathan Swift himself could not have written better satire than Nathan Gardels in his most recent HuffPo post: No one — least of all someone like myself who has experienced the existential terror of California’s regular tremors and knows the big one is coming here...

Some people never learn: HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) – The natural disaster of a tsunami could actually provide a temporary boost to the global economy. Larry Summers, former director of President Obama’s economic council and a former head of the World Bank, said rebuilding could temporarily boost...