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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


You remember John Doe No. 1 v. Oberlin College, not to be confused with John Doe No. 2 v. Oberlin College. John Doe No. 1 is the expelled male student who alleged, among other things, that the Oberlin College sexual assault hearing process was so rigged and biased that 100% of the accused students (all or almost all male) who went to hearing were found responsible.


President Donald Trump has approved a disaster declaration for California after a series of wildfires in the central and northern sections of the state have incinerated over 1 million acres.
That allows for grants that can help with temporary housing and repairs of homes, loans to help deal with loss of uninsured property, and programs meant to help both individuals and business owners recuperate.

It's not clear what triggered comedian John Oliver's hate of Danbury, Connecticut, but in a segment, Oliver said "fuck Danbury" and proceeded to bash the quaint little town. In response, the Mayor of Danbury announced the renaming of the sewage plant to "John Oliver."

The Food and Drug Administration has just issued an emergency use authorization for convalescent plasma to treat coronavirus. Convalescent plasma treatment utilizes the antibody-reach blood plasma of those who recovered from a infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus, as those antibodies are still capable of destroying more virus. Doctor harvest the plasma and purify it to isolate those antibodies, which are then injected into another patient sick with Covid-19.

Less than a month after converting the Hagia Sophia cathedral into a mosque, Turkey is moving ahead with its campaign to erase the country's Christian past. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday ordered the conversion of Istanbul’s Church of the Holy Savior in Chora, or Kariye, to a Muslim place of worship.