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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



The news of Serbia and Muslim-majority Kosovo opening their embassies in Jerusalem has triggered a new wave of anger within the Palestinian leadership. The Balkan nations moving diplomatic missions to the Holy City is an act of "unjust aggression against the Palestinian people,” the Palestinian Authority said in an official statement.

Everyone has been focused for the past two days on the story in The Atlantic, attributed to anonymous sources, about things Trump supposedly said about troops two years ago, something so far that every person who has gone on record has denied. While you were focused on that Crisis News Cycle, Trump took a step the implications of which could be devastating over time to the peddlers of racial conflict under the academic construct of Critical Race Theory.

In the midst of the Democrat's antifa/BLM Marxist "revolution," Joe Biden is lagging behind Hillary Clinton's 2016 numbers with Florida's Hispanic voters.  Indeed, two recent polls show Trump gaining ground with Hispanic Floridians, particularly with those who fled similar revolutions in their country of origin.

Serbia and Kosovo have agreed to strengthen diplomatic and economic ties with Israel, the White House announced in a statement on Friday. Both countries, part of the former Yugoslavia, will relocate their embassies to Jerusalem, news reports said. The move will make Kosovo the first Muslim-majority country to open a diplomatic mission in the Holy City, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared on Friday. 

Rochester, NY is the latest hub of antia/ BLM rioting as obnoxious swarms of antifa and BLM activists disturbed the peace, climbed on people's homes, vandalized businesses, assaulted people, including police officers, committed arson, and generally engaged in free-form lawlessness.

The media attacks on Trump have followed a pattern for years: A bombshell media report implicating Trump in wrongdoing, often dropped just before a weekend, which creates a media feeding frenzy for 2-4 days before it is completely disproven or seriously cast into doubt. As that crisis news cycle peters out, another bombshell is dropped, rinse and repeat.