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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



The digital media company 'Spotify' recently spent $100 million to bring the highly popular Joe Rogan podcast into its fold. Rogan's long-form interviews with interesting guests were drawing hundreds of millions of views on YouTube, making his show a valuable commodity. Rogan's show has been on Spotify for less than a month, and employees at the company are already demanding editorial control over his content, and even censorship.

Iran's growing aggression played a factor in Arab states reconsidering their policy towards Israel, a senior Emirati minister admitted. Iran's hostile behavior towards its Arab neighbors made them look at the Jewish State "with fresh eyes," UAE’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Anwar Gargash, said. The UAE, along with Bahrain, signed a historic peace agreement with Israel at a White House ceremony on September 15. 

Democrats have spent months pressing Joe Biden not to concede the election, in Hillary Clinton's words, "under any circumstances."  They've been war-gaming what to do if President Trump wins the election by winning the Electoral College (and losing the meaningless popular vote).  They've made it quite clear that the only acceptable result to them is a Biden win.

The Palestinian Authority's new school curriculum infuses antisemitism in young minds and glorifies jihad terrorism, reveals a recently released report by IMPACT-se, an NGO that monitors school textbooks around the world. The report, which analyzed 222 textbooks for the 2020-21 academic year, found that they "remain openly antisemitic and continue to encourage violence, jihad and martyrdom."

The first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is happening on Tuesday night. Democrats are playing it cool, but there is real concern about how Biden will perform. In a format like this, Biden is on his own. There is no campaign handler who can suddenly step in and shut down the event by saying "OK, thanks so much everyone."

There are multiple reports from media outlets, supposedly confirmed with senior administration officials, that Court of Appeals Judge Amy Coney Barrett will be nominated tomorrow to fill the Supreme Court vacancy created by the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Barrett -- can we call her Notorious ACB? - not only is Trump's choice, she was the overwhelming choice of Legal Insurrection readers.