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Elizabeth Warren’s narrative of being a descendant of the Cherokee people emboldened Warren not only to consider herself Native American, but also to identify with the most victimized of the victimized. One doesn’t have to be a scholar of Native American history to know of the Trail of...

Throughout her career and political campaign, Elizabeth Warren has found victims everywhere she looked, including when she looked in the mirror and saw an alleged descendant of one of the most historically victimized groups, Native Americans. In what may be the ultimate and cruelest irony, not only...

At the risk of beating a dead horse, I’m letting you know that the Obama campaign has unveiled yet another hashtag: #readytogo. Now they’re just making it too easy. The campaign, which officially kicked off Saturday in Ohio, even got some some college students (a...

This week, May Day protesters converged on Chicago’s Union Square in order to protest for…. What, exactly, it seems many protesters weren’t sure. In fact, when questioned by a reporter, several were unable to answer simple questions about what their signs meant and why they...

I never get invited to anything.  Not that I would go, anyway.  I have much more important things to do. Via Ben Smith, Buzzfeed Politics, After A Twitter Win, Romney Meets The Online Right: At the Republican National Committee yesterday, conservative online writers and bloggers...

The successful Navy SEAL raid which killed Osama bin Laden is becoming one of the central themes of the Obama campaign. Almost every other sentence out of the mouth of Joe Biden (who opposed the raid) is about “bin Laden.” We know that bin Laden was...

Understatement (via John Sexton): Many critics view The Times as constitutionally unable to address the election in an unbiased fashion. Like a lot of America, it basked a bit in the warm glow of Mr. Obama’s election in 2008…. Understatement (via Tom Maguire): It is hard...

*UPDATE 4/25: EAG released a second video on “Gender-Bender” day at the school. Chicago public school Jones College Prep apparently believes school is the appropriate venue to train students in nonviolent protesting: Philip Jackson was brought in to lead the training and provide students with...

Appropos of Anne’s post earlier today about the Occupy movement, Citizens United is planning a roll out of Occupy Unmasked. It’s the culmination of what Andrew Breitbart always said about the Occupy movement, that it was part and parcel of the Democrats’ political plans. Video...

Coverage emerged yesterday of a recent conference held by Al Sharpton’s National Action Network (NAN) in Washington, DC. Among the breakout sessions, one entitled “The Church: Becoming Spiritually Fed and Feeding the Hungry” appears to have been especially ineptly titled given the actual content conveyed:...

I’d rather sit in the dark. That’s my sense of today: Secret Service agent scandal gets worse with allegations of cocaine use, and here is a headline which tells us this drama will play out for a while: Escort Recounts Quarrel With Secret Service Agent. Image...

This past Saturday marked a change for the now-annual Wisconsin Tax Day Tea Party in Madison, Wisc. While thousands turned out — an organizer said it was 6,300 —  it wasn’t the masses that had showed up in the pouring rain last year to see...

Thanks to Charlie Sykes for reminding us that Scott Walker is not the only target in the June 5 Wisconsin recall elections: Other conservative moms have been subjected sexist attacks, but few have had to endure the volume of vile epithets raw hate directed at Becky. She...

things we hold dear: Allen West — They edited the tape, of course. Religion — Vanderbilt tells Catholic Students To Change Name. Holocaust remembrance. Republicans — We’re rooting for failure again. Israel — what do 74 Dems have in common? and some things we don’t...

What James Taranto has dubbed the Wild Goose-Step Chase appears to be winding down, as outlandish reports by Michael Miller in The Miami New Times of neo-Nazis “conducting heavily armed patrols in and around Sanford, Florida” were debunked by your humble correspondent over the weekend. But...

There has been a lot of attention paid to Arby’s announcement that it no longer would advertise on the Limbaugh show. It was particularly interesting because Arby’s did not advertise to begin with, so it purely was a political statement, and was the subject of...