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A new group of over 150 Cherokees and growing has formed with the purpose of forcing Elizabeth Warren to give up her false claim to Cherokee heritage. The group has a new blog, Cherokees Demand Truth from Elizabeth Warren, and corresponding Facebook page: Mission Statement Cherokees Demand Truth...

Considering that it was a long holiday weekend which pretty much started at lunchtime on Friday, it was very active here. In case you missed any of them: Remembering Lt. Roslyn Schulte A strange sense of responsibility, now and then Boston Globe deep sixes article...

Al Sharpton: Meghan McCain and Al Sharpton: Now Meghan is whining about criticism of her over the Sharpton interview, which is part of her schtick as pointed out by Noah Rothman at Mediaite , Meghan McCain Looks For Fight, Finds Many, Now Wants Sympathy? MSNBC contributor Meghan...

While Elizabeth Warren is doing well in the polls, her story about not promoting herself as Native American for professional purposes continues to fall apart. Michael Patrick Leahy, writing at today, links to an article in the Spring 1993 issue of the student-run Harvard Women’s Law Journal, when...

I have few original thoughts on the fake twins who cannot bear the unbearable burden of bearing fairly boring genealogy and upbringing in middle and upper middle class Amerika. I feel your feign, man and woman. So here is your faking fakers and the fakery they fake Reader (you can...

Early Saturday morning, three of the Occupy protesters from the “nonviolent” F*** the Police march were charged with “possession of an incendiary or explosive device, conspiracy to commit terrorism, and providing material support for terrorism.” The arrests stemmed from allegations they were planning to create...

The Elizabeth Warren Cherokee saga is like opening up a Russian matryoshka doll, there’s always something else inside. Or perhaps more appropriately, like peeling back The Onion. Please say this is not soooooo! From Michael Patrick Leahy: The credibility of Massachusetts Democratic  Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren...

Today, new footage surfaced from the Occupy/ F*** the Police march Tuesday in Chicago. [Language warning, not safe for work]. The video shows a side of the Occupy / F*** the Police march not shown by the mainstream media. The media continues to ignore the...

On April 30, 2012, The Boston Globe broke the story that Chris Child of the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) had located information about a marriage license showing that Elizabeth’s great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee, Document ties Warren kin to Cherokees: A record unearthed Monday shows that US...

Huh? you say.  Pay attention, you’ll get an education like I just did. Andrew Bolt of the Herald Sun in Australia  linked to one of my Elizabeth Warren posts in his post titled, Cherokee no more.  The following sentences at the end of his post jumped out... reports that Elizabeth Warren’s campaign offered a cousin’s cookbook as further evidence to her 1/32 Cherokee claim debunked last week. According to Breitbart’s Michael Patrick Leahy: The Warren Campaign offered reporters an undated article from the Muskogee Phoenix about the contributions of Elizabeth Warren’s first...

The New York Post reported late Saturday night that a bribe of $150,000 was offered to Reverend Jeremiah Wright from one of President Barack Obama’s “closest friends” for Wright to keep quiet, and that Obama personally met with Wright to plead with him to refrain...

It started out as a massive 5000-word hit piece on Mitt Romney reminiscent of what The Washington Post did to Rick Perry about a rock on his family hunting ground. WaPo put a reporter (or more) on the case and apparently spared no effort to...