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This is too funny.  David Bernstein, a writer at The Boston Phoenix, previously warned that the “right-wing smear machine” was coming to get Elizabeth Warren.  I offered a Challenge to Boston Phoenix: Defend Elizabeth Warren on Cherokee issue, or drop “right-wing smear machine” accusation. Bernstein...

The Romney campaign has started a Twitter rapid response user account @RomneyResponse and associated Tumblr site. Given how Twitter can move an issue in minutes, Team Romney is smart to get more active. John Nolte at has some good advice, much of which centers upon...

Some of you asked just what the scene’s like on Chick-fil-A appreciation day in Chicago, home to #ChicagoValues, and the city at the heart of the controversy over Chick-fil-A after our mayor congratulated an alderman in shutting the company out of opening a second location...

This is a GUEST POST, at my invitation, by commenter Karen Sacandy in response to my post Where’s Rick?  ———————————————- Criticism has been leveled at Sen. Rick Santorum, that he’s not doing  enough for  Gov. Romney to defeat  Obama.  From my vantage point, that view misses a...

A gunman identified as James Holmes killed 12 people at the opening of the new Batman movie. Details still are unclear as to who he is, but ABC News already has blamed the Tea Party because there is someone with a similar name who is...

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has released a new video that exposes unions willing to dig holes and fill them in again against the backdrop of the farce that is Obama’s “shovel-ready jobs” agenda. The video, “Legislators, Union Bosses Seek Funding for Digging Holes and Filling...

After all, he asked for it. In a recent campaign appearance in Virginia, the President remarked: Ultimately, I think, Mr. Romney is going to have to answer those questions because if he aspires to being president, one of the things you learn is you’re ultimately...

Black newspaper publishers expressed anger and frustration at President Obama’s failure to reach out to them at a recent panel at the National Newspaper Publishers Association convention. The Chicago Crusader reports:  “We don’t think the president has ever spoken to us. He’s spoken to the...

The disappearance of a 16-year-old minor named Becky, last seen with Occupy Chicago members, is being treated by Occupy internally with secrecy and without informing police, according to a report released yesterday from EAG News: On June 19, a leader of Occupy Chicago contacted fellow...

Michael Patrick Leahy rolls out the second in his series of four posts on the investigation — or meaningful lack thereof — into allegations of “scientific misconduct” and misleading use of data contained in a scathing review of Warren’s book,  As We Forgive Our Debtors: Bankruptcy and...

Via Patterico (h/t Instapundit and readers): Aaron tells me by phone that the word is Judge Rupp signed the order, modifying the peace order against Aaron to let him speak publicly about Kimberlin. P.S. There is a very interesting aspect of Kimberlin’s response that I...

I previously have posted about the excellent job Michael Patrick Leahy at has done bringing to light details of a scathing critique of Elizabeth Warren’s scholarship by a now-deceased Rutgers Law School professor: The vetting of Elizabeth Warren’s academic background begins. Were charges of “scientific...