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Big Government is launching a crowdsourcing project for a cache of documents obtained regarding the organization and implementation of the Occupy Wall Street movement (via Ace, who is participating): In keeping with the new media notion of crowdsourcing–enthusiastically embraced by the mainstream media when trawling through...

Professor Jacobson and Andrew Breitbart’s recent coverage of anti-Semitic incidents at the Occupy Wall Street protests were no surprise to me.  A top notch study by political scientists Neil Malhotra and Yotam Margalit back in 2009 found that triggering anti-semitic concepts increased support for anti-business...

#OccupyWallStreet is organized agitprop designed to deflect attention from the Obama administration’s failings onto “Wall Street,”  although many of the participants don’t understand how they are being used.  The Washington Post now is fully aboard Team Obama, doing its best to take down Rick Perry this...

Sarah Palin justifiably is outraged at the latest Joe McGinniss outrage. In addition to knowing that McGinniss and Random House published lies about her, Palin now has evidence not usually available to libel plaintiffs, in the form of an e-mail obtained by Andrew Breitbart in...

There’s an interesting race shaping up in heavily Democratic NY9 to fill the seat vacated by Anthony Weiner (whose Twitter account was proven by the left-blogosphere to have been hacked by Andrew Breitbart, until it turned out it wasn’t). Republican Bob Turner is facing off against...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: A couple of weeks before the 2008 election, in one of my first blog posts, I wrote: The suppression of legitimate political expression through false accusations of racism by...

Apparently not, according to John Hawkins, The slow, painful death of the independent, conservative blogosphere: Sure, there were a few outliers that took off: Hot Air, Redstate, and the Breitbart empire for example, but most conservative blogs have either grown insignificantly, stayed the same size,...

Benjamin Korn of Jews for Sarah, writing at the JTA,  OP-ED: Jews becoming commonplace in conservative ‘new media’: Many reviews already have appeared of “The Undefeated,” the soon-to-be-released documentary about Sarah Palin’s tenure in Alaska.Yet none of them — even in The Los Angeles Times,...

This is almost as good as Ann Althouse having the union protests right outside her window. Netroots Nation, attended by all of my very good blog-friends, will be held in Providence! All the nutroots in my home state and not far from my house in...

(By Michael Alan) As the mainstream media descends upon Juneau to do opposition research on someone who hasn’t been governor for almost two years, a crucial development in the Weinergate story–about a sitting Congressman that may very well have pursued underage girls–is being completely ignored....

Joseph Cannon was one of the first and most vocal to claim that Andrew Breitbart either directly or through others had set up Anthony Weiner by hacking and/or spoofing the original tweet last Friday night which set off the firestorm. Cannon’s theory of how Weiner...

This is the day after which not even Debbie Wasserman Schultz can save Weiner. Just go to Breitbart’s Big Government as the evidence of more photos is dribbled out today.  Patterico is all Weiner, all the time.  Stacy McCain hasn’t had so much fun since...