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The latest wildfire spreading through the media and blogosphere is that armed neo-Nazis are patrolling Sanford, FL, in anticipation of trouble if George Zimmerman is not charged in the killing of Trayvon Martin.  In what has become a prime example of media malpractice, none of...

How sad is it for us as a society that Al Sharpton, of the Tawana Brawley hoax and Crown Heights/Freddy’s Fashion Mart riots, is leading protests calling for civil disobediance if George Zimmerman is not arrested immediately (and then will call for civil disobedience if the...

Israel Matzav is having a fundraiser.  Carl in Jerusalem is a blogger who is a great source on things going on in the Middle East, consider supporting him. Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt running presidential candidate, despite have said it wouldn’t. Buy Israeli Goods month just...

Captain Carroll “Lex” Lefon, USN (ret), of Neptunus Lex blog, passed away on March 6: Carroll “Lex” LeFon, ATAC F-21 pilot, retired Naval Aviator, TOPGUN Graduate and prominent military blogger known as Neptunus Lex, was killed in a plane crash on the morning of March...

There have been numerous threats made against George Zimmerman, the shooter of Trayvon Martin.  It is unclear whether a crime was committed, and Zimmerman has not been charged. Spike Lee’s most famous film was Do the Right Thing, about racial tensions which spill into violence:...

here in paradise. The Blog Post That Drove Rush Limbaugh to Tweet #FF Rush? He starts tweeting @limbaugh Educational purposes? No typos, but still he gives advice. Anti-Rush Campaign Was in the Works. We have not been worthy since at least 1990. Totally Bogus that...

Via Michelle Malkin, joins Rush Limbaugh advertisers: I’m putting my money where my conservative, free-market principles are. The full announcement about our new ad buy with Rush Limbaugh is here. A snippet: “As a small business owner, defender of capitalism, and advocate of...

The Breitbart video of Barack Obama embracing Prof. Derrick Bell, one of the founders of critical race theory, has been dismissed as a dud and failure. But the dialogue about how that narrative fits into Obama’s campaign tactics — something I explored on Day 2 of this...

Greetings from the Lone Star State, where it’s cold and rainy (in Dallas). Because of pre-travel, travel, meetings, etc., I am unable to provide you with the usual searing insight into the human condition, just links: If chanting USA! USA! USA! is racist, what is...

From reader and frequent photographer Scott, who sent this photo with the subject line “It seems I’m not alone”: I regret that I’ve been remiss in getting images out to you, especially since Raleigh seems the perfect battleground state again in 2012. I’ll try to do...

place where judges act strangely, Judge draws flak for signing Walker recall petition and Judge Flanagan must step aside in voter ID case: After signing a petition to force a recall of Gov. Scott Walker, the liberal judge had the audacity to issue a temporary injunction against...

I’ll post the audio when available, but Rush Limbaugh just stated that the advertiser boycott of his show is vastly overstated and based on inflated numbers. (audio added, via Common Cents) As I have pointed out in response to concerned commenters, many of those listed...

Liberal groups have seized on a strategy I didn’t think would be effective, but has had some success, to go after advertisers of prominent conservative media personalities. Media Matters explicitly seeks to bring down Fox News and investigate its executives, and Fox News advertisers have...

In addition to the line quoted in the title, listen to what Breitbart told him the core of the problem was:  The media. Nothing proves how right Breitbart was as the last few days of complete and utter absurdity regarding Sandra Fluke.  Her testimony should...

A different side of Marine One, from reader Scott, who took this photo in Hendersonville, NC, and who also mentioned in his e-mail: An aside, this Breitbart tragedy has kicked me in the pants a bit. I am registering for the bar exam after a...