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There is something strange about the Obama administration’s diplomacy. We speak softly to our enemies, but use a big stick against our friends. Protesters take to the streets in Iran in opposition to election fraud, and against a regime which is openly hostile to the...

Andrew Breitbart’s post, Online activists on the right, unite!, has called attention to a problem almost every conservative blogger experiences: Trolls who plant inflammatory comments to make the blog appear racist or sexist or some other “ist” or who post such long comments that they...

In August 2007, Paul Krugman, in an op-ed titled “It’s All About Them” famously labeled Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani, the then-leading Republican candidates for President, “narcissists” because they allegedly viewed real problems from the perspective of how they were viewed: What’s now clear is...

A delegation of Hollywood stars, headed by Annette Bening, is traveling to Iran to open a dialogue on behalf of the Obama administration: Thirty-eight years ago, a ping pong team sent by US president Richard Nixon to Beijing opened the door to Communist China. February...

Tom Daschle, under a cloud of income tax evasion, has withdrawn from consideration for the post of Secretary of Health and Human Services. Daschle could not stand the heat not only of his current tax problems, but also the exposure of his previous tax avoidance...