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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



If you're trying to think of things to be thankful for in the New Year, you're in luck. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is finally on his way out of office. He has some competition for worst mayor in the country, but I think he takes it because we're talking about New York City here.

An Antifa rioter in Portland, Oregon who shined a laser in the eyes of police officers during a riot and was subsequently arrested three times, has had his federal charges dropped after doing community service. Meanwhile, Trump supporters continue to languish in jail for months over January 6th. We do not have equal justice under the law.

Watching the Biden administration run roughshod over our great nation and our fellow Americans gives us strength, firms our resolve, and focuses our energies on combating the anti- and unAmerican radical left....

2021 was cruel. I lost my Alf and Bingo (pictured), but had some fun posts! Hillary still isn't over 2016. LOLOLOL....

Few people influencing U.S. government policy right now are more divisive than Dr. Anthony Fauci. If you're a host on MSNBC, you might own a Fauci action figure or prayer candle. If you're a freedom-loving American who is exhausted by COVID policies, you would be happy never to see Fauci again. One thing is sure. No matter how you feel about Fauci, he will retire a very wealthy man.