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Things I could not fit into separate posts: Self-described liberal law professor says Elena Kagan should recuse herself from Obamacare case, but ends with "Now, as to Justice Thomas …"  Concern troll? Something so important about Newt it occupies reporters' time.  Something actually important. Sometimes I lose sight of...


Fully intact: Iranian TV has shown the first video footage of an advanced US drone aircraft that Tehran says it downed near the Afghan border. Images show Iranian military officials inspecting the RQ-170 Sentinel stealth aircraft which appears to be undamaged. US officials have acknowledged the loss of the...

Romney is losing it.  His coordinated assault on Newt does not make the case for Romney. And it's embarrassing.  Romney brought out former Congressman and former Senator Jim Talent to bash Newt's leadership as Speaker. Talent forgets that the internet has a long memory, and that...

No one could have seen this coming, right? Democrat Elizabeth Warren has opened up a lead against Republican incumbent Scott Brown for the first time in their U.S. Senate showdown, but a barrage of attack ads appears to have damaged Warren and Brown’s standing among Massachusetts...

Democratic Senator Ben Nelson from Nebraska negotiated the now infamous "Cornhusker Kickback" payoff from Obama for Nelson's vote in favor of Obamacare. The payoff was an embarrassment for the people of Nebraska, as I noted at the time.  One Nebraska family care physician wrote an open letter to...

to coexist with you if you weren't such an offensive, self-righteous, self-indulgent big mouth. Thanks to reader David who took this photo (at a red light, right?) in Havertown, PA, in August: ...

Some interesting doings: He may not have stolen the whole election, but he may have stolen Indiana. Via Sarah Palin, looks like Fast & Furious was purely political, to make the case for gun control, the smoking gun. I know that people are sick of me posting stuff...

One of my friends circulated a link to a disturbing article from WaPo: When an adult took standardized tests forced on kids. Basically, an "administrator" with a BS and two MAs flunked this extremely basic 10th grade Florida state math test. This is the test in question:  After...

At the Republican Jewish Coalition conference a few minutes ago Newt Gingrich announced "If he will accept it, I will appoint John Bolton as Secretary of State." I'll post the video when available, it was a great speech with lots of applause. Update: The video - ...

After a firestorm of controversy, Obama is cancelling his Hawaii vacation. Association does not equal causation.  But what the hey, that's what campaign managers are for: Update: A reader says that the tweet simply is repeating the original headline of the linked post at The Hill...

And so it ends.  14 years, which means just under 12 to serve. As long-time readers know, I've followed Saga Blago almost since the beginning of this blog.  It was my first and longest lasting blog obsession. I take no joy in the sentence, although it does seem...

I'm really looking forward to the Fox News Iowa Debate on December 15 in Sioux City. Really looking forward to it, because Romney has to go after Newt big time.  He can't leave it to Ron Paul or Michele Bachmann.  It's Tim Pawlenty time if he...

I have posted numerous times before about Obama's penchant for creating false choices in his speeches, invariably some non-existent supposedly conservative position versus his position. This enables Obama to knock down the conservative straw man and make his own position seem reasonable by contrast.  He's a...

I posted two days ago about the interrelationship between the Obama campaign and the Center for American Progress, White House and Think Progress merger complete.  A former senior Obama campaign staffer now runs CAP, and a current senior CAP strategist is set to take over...

Great analysis of Nancy Pelosi's threatened blackmail of Newt Gingrich, from Bill Quick of Daily Pundit (via The Other McCain).  It sure does feel good to read and imagine: You know what, though?  She’s got bupkus that will make any difference.  The Dems are absolutely terrified...