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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Alternative headline: Dear Iowa: You are being played like a fiddle. I hate to admit it, but there is a large amount of truth in this analysis by Roger Simon of Politico, Mitt don't need no surges: If Mitt Romney wins the Iowa caucuses, the race for...


I ran the Des Moines Register final poll numbers yesterday, here's PPP's final Iowa poll released late last night: The Republican caucus in Iowa is headed for a photo finish, with the three leading contenders all within two points of each other.  Ron Paul is at 20%,...

From the same vehicle as yesterday's post, from Linda in Tennessee: ...

Commenter Taxpayer1234 mentioned yesterday that s/he had written a graduate school paper on conservative political blogs, and s/he was kind enough to forward it to me. Three blogs were the focus of the paper, Legal Insurrection, Ace of Spades HQ, and The Other McCain.  Remember, everything is...

It was the hot topic some weeks and months back, a joke since he was not a contender. But now that Rick Santorum is on the verge of either a victory or great showing in Iowa, some journalists are just frothing with joy at the prospect of the...

There are two important columns each of which addresses the surge of Islamists throughout the Middle East and Central Asia. The first column, by Andy McCarthy, focuses on reports that the Obama administration is using Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi as a conduit for contact with the Taliban: The surrender is complete...

The Des Moines Register came out with its final polling last night, and here were the numbers in percentage points:  Romney (24), Paul (22), Santorum (15), Gingrich (12), Perry (11), Bachmann (7). Santorum is surging averaging 10% the first two days of polling, but the second two days...

Those who seek to spread the wealth versus those who seek to spread a work ethic. Thanks to Linda who spotted this vehicle in, you guessed it, the Lowe's parking lot in Nashville, TN: ...

It has been quite a year here at Legal Insurrection. The big event was the blog format switchover in mid-June.  I'm very happy with the transition, and even happier with the new software and format.  If you need help with a new or old blog, I...

A collection of things: Syrian exiles: 'Clinton told dissidents to lay down their arms' Elizabeth Warren is so bad we need to support Scott Brown. No fracking, the movie. Jinx. Fabulous 50 blog awards. Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran, triggers. Who makes "Newt Gingrich [look] like Miss Manners"? How I Learned to Stop Worrying...

Here were my "not predictions" for 2011, graded: I would not classify the following as predictions unless they come true, in which case I am a genius.  Here are some things I’m looking at in the coming year (list to be updated throughout the day). There will...

The second Mitt Romney announced he would not release his income tax returns if he becomes nominee I predicted it would not stand because the refusal would, at a minimum, create a major distraction.  It's part of a larger problem with secrecy which will haunt Romney if...

The Best Bumper Sticker of the Year, Worst Bumper Sticker of the Year and Best Tweet of the Year competitions have left me on the verge of blogger burnout, but I soldier on, because that's just the way I am.  And the internet never stops. The Worst Tweet...

I posted earlier about Newt Gingrich's emotional discussion of his mother, in which he shed tears while discussing his memories. What kind of person would make fun of this, and what type of supporters laugh in response? Mitt tweaks Newt: 'I won't cry': POLITICO's Emily Schultheis, on the trail...