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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Following up on This is not the tweet of a confident man, friend of the blog Patricia found another tweet which no one else seemed to notice. That seat has been taken, and is not about to be given up easily. ...


The Chicago Teachers Union, after a summer of threats and miscellaneous protest actions, announced a date for their strike of September 10 this Thursday. CTU released a copy of their resolution on the website: The strike is necessary to achieve a labor contract with acceptable wages, benefits...

The Love Bomb now has surpassed $200,000. This provides an enormous boost to Mia Love's campaign as it provides cash to fund the type of local effort that outside groups cannot by law do.  It still leaves her with only half the cash on hand as Democrat Jim...

I traveled to Tampa, FL, last-minute for work (good timing), so I got to experience some of the hullabaloo from the vantage point of an on-the-outskirts La Quinta. My observations: 1. Tampa's uber security perfectly captured the two paths our country faces. There was something inspiring about...

Looks like Clint Eastwood got under Obama's skin. Obama sent this tweet today in response to Eastwood mocking Obama last night by using an empty chair as a prop (via The Rhetorican): While I was very uncertain whether the Eastwood appearance worked, I now believe it did. If it didn't,...

I thought Romney gave an excellent speech. It had a good mix of soaring rhetoric without veering into Greek columns territory. Clearly the speech was intended to help neutralize the "war on women" theme, and I think it was effective.  I also was glad that the speech...

The media moved with stunning symmetry this week is seeking any and every means of tearing down the Republican National Convention, and particularly Paul Ryan. To borrow their favorite metaphor, it was as if someone blew a dog whistle that only the liberal media could hear. National...

From reader Henry: I've always told my kids that any vehicle sporting more than 3 bumper stickers is probably owned by a "wacko". Here are a couple of photos of such a car that I spotted this morning in Santa Fe, NM. I note that I regard Santa...

All you need to know about the media reaction can be summed up in one word:  JournoList. Same players still, just in more influential positions.  But that's for another day, maybe even tomorrow. Tonight I'm going to try not to let the stuck pigs distract me from...

A few days ago, Operation Counterweight member Dan Bongino released a new web ad. Much like his previous ads, this one again channels a positive message centered around the promise of America. It's a refreshing change of pace from the mudslinging that generally accompanies the vast...

If you don't visit College Insurrection every day, you are missing great posts like these: Busting the myth of a liberal student majority Beware attempts to ban “hate speech” on campus College Republicans Take Prime Seat at GOP Convention Chick-fil-A boycotts coming to a campus near you Maryland Bd of...

The line in Paul Ryan's speech about college grads living at home staring at a faded Obama poster was brilliant: College graduates should not have to live out their 20s in their childhood bedrooms, staring up at fading Obama posters and wondering when they can move out and...

Texas is not doing well with federal judges in the District of Columbia.  Days ago a three judge panel threw out Texas' redistricting maps, now a different panel has thrown out the Voter I.D. law.  (Opinion embedded below) This analysis from Rick Hanson at Election Law...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is  Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

If you have been following the internets, you can see an anaphylactic reaction among supposed "fact checkers" over Paul Ryan's brilliantly effective speech last night. The section about the closing of a GM plant in Janesville during the Obama administration has been a particular area of attention...

From Mike in Wisconsin: Saw this in line at McD's this a.m. Lady driver. Must not have heard of the "war on women" yet. Keep up the good work! ...