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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


A criminal Information was filed in federal court in Washington D.C. this afternoon in which Jesse Jackson Jr. was charged with one count of criminal conspiracy, and forfeiture of assets was sought. The Information alleged that approximately $750,000 of campaign funds was misappropriated for personal expenses,...


One of the saddest stories you will read is the story of Jennifer Morbelli, who died recently along with her unborn daughter during a very late term abortion in Maryland. The story originally was reported by Jill Stanek.  In a series of posts, Robert Stacy McCain reported on...

Federal charges expected to be filed today in DC reportedly would implicate his wife, former Alderman Sandi Jackson, resulting in tax fraud charges against her. Sandi had been receiving a $5,000 per month check from the Jackson Jr campaign for consulting over the course of several...

No water, no money, no reason to stay. From Mike: I sleep a little better knowing that not everyone in California is a loony leftie. I took the attached photos on Rt. 152 between Fresno and Los Banos in December. This is part of the Central Valley...

Last night I attended another candidates forum for the race to replace Jesse Jackson Jr's seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. Having attended quite a few by this point, my main takeaway is that the people of the Second District have a sorry, sorry...

The Washington Free Beacon reported today about a speech Hagel gave in 2007 -- as reported at the time by one of his supporters -- that the State Department had become an "adjunct" to the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Hagel supporters are fuming, but he was a...

This is a follow up to yesterday's post about Prisoner X. I'm not sure there is much greater clarification of why he was imprisoned, but it's clear he was not secretly imprisoned, as the Australian Embassy was informed, he had a lawyer, and the courts were...

Tax Prof is out with the year-end 2012 Law Prof Traffic Rankings. We continue to climb, but beware the gathering post-election blog traffic storm.  Think Sandy meets Snowzilla. But for now, it's blue skies. (Keep in mind that these numbers are based on public Sitemeter readings, and since...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.  Branco’s  page Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

The New York Times has an interesting article in this Sunday's magazine, Can the Republicans be Saved From Obsolescence? There is much to learn from the article about how much more open Democrats are to the digital era, how insular Republican leadership is, and how Obama...

Tuesday night, Rand Paul (the freshman senator from Kentucky) gave the Tea Party response to President Obama's State of the Union address, calling for cutting corporate taxes in half and slashing trillions in federal spending. Paul has been very busy.  Today, the Washington Times reports that Paul...

This is a follow up to yesterday's Criminalize Fracking post. Gimme Coffee is an Ithaca coffee roaster and something of an institution.  For a mere $4 or thereabouts, you can have quite a good latte.  The coffee happens to be excellent, but it comes with a...

Former Navy Seal Chris Kyle, who was killed at a Texas gun range on February 8, was laid to rest Tuesday at the Texas State Cemetery. On Monday, 7,000 people attended a memorial service in his honor at the Cowboys Stadium. Many people are saying Kyle...