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Protests in Ukraine continued on Sunday, as hundreds of thousands reportedly gathered in the center of the capital of Kiev.  One group of protesters pulled down a statue of Vladimir Lenin. From the LA Times: Protesters toppled a monument to Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin on...

Authorities in Ukraine issued further warnings to protesters Thursday, coupled with sharp criticism from the prime minister, amidst continuing protests there that initially triggered a brutal crackdown and sparked broader anti-government sentiment. From Reuters: Ukrainian police on Thursday warned pro-Europe protesters they faced a “harsh”...

Perhaps the most important Obamacare lie among many will turn out to be the one that says that the Obamacare Medicaid expansion will lead to quality health care for the people newly covered by it. Anyone who was even remotely familiar with the way Medicaid...

Protests in Ukraine continued on Wednesday as protesters persisted in their efforts to block access to public buildings after several days of unrest in Kiev. From the NY Times: The demonstrators who have laid siege to public buildings in this rattled capital expanded their protest...

A highly criticized Swiss analysis suggested a moderate possibility of polonium poisoining as the cause of Yasser Arafat’s death.  Arafat’s widow had requested the testing. Palestinian political officials immediately announced (as they had even before the Swiss report) that Israel was the culprit. AFP now...

Protesters in Ukraine ramped up activities Monday as they blocked entrances to government offices, blocked streets, and have called for a nationwide strike.  The actions follow a weekend of protests, triggered by the Ukranian president’s refusal to sign an association agreement with the European Union....

Seriously. Oops! Iran Strongly Rejects Text of Geneva Agreement Released by White House — DanRiehl (@DanRiehl) November 26, 2013 From Fars News Agency, Iran Strongly Rejects Text of Geneva Agreement Released by White House: TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian Foreign Ministry on Tuesday called invalid...

Almost exactly one year ago reports surfaced that Valerie Jarrett was engaged in “secret” negotiations with Iran as Obama’s personal emissary. The reports originated with Iranian bloggers, and was reported also by The New York Times. The Obama administration categorically denied the reports. Now Israeli...

(Photo: The Guardian) The US has begun the awkward process of notifying intelligence services in some countries that documents obtained by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden contained information about their cooperation with the US. From the Washington Post: U.S. officials are alerting some foreign intelligence...

Navigate to the Hoboken, NJ, public schools website –a town just across the Hudson from New York City — and you’ll find a front-page announcement that since 2008, Hoboken has based its pre-school and kindergarten curriculum on “Tools of the Mind,” also known as “Cultural-Historical...