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I’m not overly enamored of the complaint that Obama will negotiate with the Iranians, Syrians and Russians, but not with Republicans. The complaint sounds a little whiny. But it does prove a point. A point that I made long ago about how Obama treats the...

I think the Brazilian President is not so much upset that we spy, but that we spy better than her spies spy.

“Our collective failure to prevent atrocity crimes in Syria over the past two and a half years will remain a heavy burden on the standing of the United Nations and its member states.” Ban Ki-Moon Secretary General of the United Nations, September 10, 2013 “The...

A lot of attention is focused on Jihadist elements fighting in Syria, and the more “secular” Assad regime. The most underreported aspect of the civil war is that it’s not just a civil war, it’s a grand power-play by Iran to keep control of Syria...

Jeffrey Goldberg makes several points similar to the points I made in my post last night, The Deal: In order to remove the threat of Bashar Assad, we have to save Bashar Assad. Goldberg writes, New Syria Agreement Is a Big Victory. For Assad: A...

Now Bashar Assad is showing the price for him to declare his chemical weapons and talk about — just words — maybe, possibly, removing them to somewhere, somehow, some time in the future. Of course, now #Assad telling Obama how high to jump #Syria...

When aliens said "We come in peace," they almost invariably had their sights set on world domination. So beware Vladimir Putin when he comes bearing peace.

Yesterday the New York Times reported With the World Watching, Syria Amassed Nerve Gas. The article documents how, despite international efforts to prevent it, Syria built up its supply of chemical weapons. Proliferation experts said President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and his father before him,...