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Is there an undisclosed understanding between the U.S. and Russia to keep Assad in power?

As of this writing, it’s unclear where things stand. There is a vague offer by Vladimir Putin agreed to by Syria to turn over chemical weapons, but Russia opposes a binding U.N. resolution to that effect and the details are to be worked out. Putin...

The threat of possible military action, as attenuated as Congressional authorization now seems, has led to what may be the endgame. John Kerry floated the idea of Syria turning over its chemical weapons or else, the Russians seized on the idea, and Syria in principle...

There are very good arguments against intervention in Syria, even if I disagree with the conclusions reached from those arguments.  I haven’t denigrated those who disagree, although I can’t say the same is true in reverse. Unfortunately, regardless of how you come out on the...

Speaking from the G20 meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia this morning, President Obama addressed the topic of Syria, where he acknowledged that he knew it would be a tough fight to convince Congress and the American public to move forward with a military strike. The...

Those who follow my exploits know I dance Bollywood, so it is not surprising that this news clip would catch my interest: Indian newspapers have been gushing about the incoming governor of the central bank, Raghuram Rajan, in terms usually reserved for Bollywood film stars:...

As international pressure mounts for action in response to chemical attacks alleged to have been perpetrated by the Assad regime, US officials say they could launch military strikes on Syria as early as Thursday. From The United States could hit Syria with three days...

Just as the NSA-Snowden leak story was being broken by The Guardian via Glenn Greenwald, and to a lesser extent at The Washington Post, I thought about writing a post with the title this post bears.  In the crush of other things, and the uncertainty as...

Well, this was a bit of mysterious news today.  Apparently, the owner of Lavabit – the same email service reportedly used by NSA leaker Edward Snowden to contact human rights groups last month – has decided to shut down its operations in order to avoid...