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Was the privacy concern just a Snowden job?

College Insurrection posts are often inspired by a pithy synopsis of campus news by Professor Glenn Reynolds (aka Instapundit). So, with great joy, I wanted to share items from a new book featuring his wit, wisdom, and expertise on the subject of higher education, K-12...

Janet Napolitano, former secretary of Homeland Security, said during a segment on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that she is opposed to the idea of clemency for Edward Snowden. From NBC News/Meet the Press: Former Homeland Security secretary Janet Napolitano flatly rejected the idea of clemency...

Price to Americans for helping other countries deal with “climate change”:  $7.45 Billion. Price of an international air-sea rescue of 52 passengers (including 4 journalists and 26 paying tourists, and various academic advocates of “global warming”): Millions of dollars, to be paid by the shipping...

The New York Times says Edward Snowden should be allowed back into the country and given clemency, but the title of the editorial, “Edward Snowden, Whistle-Blower” sets the tone for inaccuracy because the term is not legally applicable to Snowden whether you support what he...

The White House does not appear to be interested at this time in the possibility of an offer of amnesty for former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, according to comments Monday from a National Security Council spokeswoman. From The Hill: The White House on Monday said...

Anti-government protests again continued in Ukraine over the weekend after nearly four weeks of demonstrations, sparked by President Viktor Yanukovych’s refusal to sign an association agreement with the European Union. But after talks over the agreement had resumed earlier in the week, it seems work...

We previously have highlighted the Ukrainian protest movement seeking to prevent Ukraine from falling back under Russian domination: Protesters in Ukraine knock down statue of Lenin Authorities warn of further crackdown on protesters in Ukraine Protests continue in Ukraine despite crackdown Unrest continues in Ukraine...