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It’s hard to keep up with rules pertaining to speech at schools these days. University of West Alabama Wins The FIRE’s Speech Code of the Month FIRE taps Troy U. and Virginia State U. as 2013 Speech Codes of the Year “Winners” Or words that...

In a campus culture devoted to giving everyone a trophy: The most common grade at many schools? “A” of course! Ignoring Failure in Higher Education LA Times Report: Getting into College is Easier Except for white males, whose Trophy Privilege has gone on long enough:...

Joan Walsh of threw a classic race-card fit the other day because Ted Cruz referred to as being run by Nigerial scam artists: Hey, did you hear the one about the disappearing “Nigerian email scammers”? They’ve “become a lot less active lately” because...

Yes, Yes, Yes! Are You Ready for Terrifying Law School Tuition? Are Single Sex Schools the Wave of the Future? Dartmouth Student – Can the government shutdown teach us to live with less? Is Oberlin the college with the worst return on investment? War on...

Has your gut ever told you that the long, awkward pause on the other side of that smartphone or chat screen was an indicator that the recipient of your message was crafting a fib? Turns out it might be a clue. From Motherboard’s article, Awkward...

Obama wants to fix the Higher Education Bubble. You’re not done saving Detroit, please leave us alone: 10 Reasons Why Obama’s “College Affordability Plan” is Full of Fail Video – Charles Krauthammer blasts Obama’s speech on college affordability How Obama’s Student-Aid Plan Could Harm Liberal...