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Charles Krauthammer has lambasted the mainstream (i.e. liberal) media for its obsession with Sarah Palin. That goes double for liberal entertainers and academics, and triple for the left-blogosphere, which is nuts-in-the-head (that’s a precise medical term in Austrian) when it comes to Palin. But this obsession is...

TMZ fell for a hoax regarding a supposed photo of JFK on a boat with lots of naked women. Before the hoax was revealed, Andrew Sullivan authored a post on the subject, which has been pulled completely. Here is what remains on Sullivan’s blog: The...

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. Sure as I was certain that Bush would be blamed for the Balloon Boy hoax, so too I’ve been waiting for someone to make the connection between the Iraq war resolution and the health care vote....

Andrew Sullivan is back on his Trig Palin birther hoax theory, that Sarah Palin is the grandmother and Bristol Palin is the mother. Or what Sullivan calls And The Story The MSM Still Won’t Touch. Sullivan has no evidence, just unanswered questions. That’s all it...

UPDATE 4-16-2009: The Spanish Attorney General has rejected the attempt to open an investigation of the six Americans accused of, well it’s not clear what, but the Spanish Judge at issue wanted to bring them up on charges related to Gitmo. See background below. Further...

Ezra Klein, blogger for the “liberal” American Prospect, got caught by Politico coordinating his stories with other liberal bloggers and journalists. Exposed for being a journalistic fraud, Klein needed an enemy. He found Ann Althouse. Althouse, who has a very popular blog, could be considered...

The rise of the blogosphere owes to two developments: (1) the technology of the internet which allows individuals to be heard by a potentially unlimited audience without filtering by traditional news organizations, and (2) the agenda-driven mainstream media, which has driven tens of millions of...