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Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), who has been vicious in his attacks on opponents of Obamacare, is accused of insider trading in the days before the October 2008 market crash: Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island also made a  flurry of trades in the days after the Paulson-Bernanke meeting...

Newt appeared on Center Seat to face the panel Mitt Romney refuses to face (video h/t The Right Scoop): Steven Hayward at Powerline points out a key point: Maybe the best part was when Steve Hayes played the infamous TV ad Newt cut with Nancy...

Over at the DailyBeast, Stefan Theil has a really great write-up about rich nations interacting with poor nations, using a comparison of Texas/Louisiana/Florida & Greece/Italy/Spain.   Imagine 27 Barack Obamas and John Boehners trying to get a debt and banking crisis under control. That, in...

Traveling all day, now in Palm Desert, CA.  Because there’s almost no way to get there from central New York, we ended up flying into Orange County airport and driving.  Along the way we saw these windfarms — Obama would so proud: From some sneak...

one op-ed today, I hope it is Mary O’Grady’s column in the Wall Street Journal: “Big Labor’s Yanqui Imperialism.” On the face of it, the National Labor Relations Board’s effort to block a new Boeing plant slated for the right-to-work state of South Carolina seems...

There is something disturbing about an explanation of our debt crisis in Chinese, even if the video producers are in Taiwan, not mainland China. It’s easy for them to laugh.

In his rather “prickly” press conference on Wednesday, President Obama made it sound as if tax increases (or, to use the Democrats’ language, “cutting spending in the tax code”) were part of a last resort at trimming the deficit as the federal government reaches its...

(by Matthew Knee) As the mainstream media strained its resources and even brought on amateurs to power through Sarah Palin’s old emails for the scandal that wasn’t there, a slow-motion constitutional crisis has been unfolding. The War Powers Resolution clearly states that president can authorize...

It was surprisingly easy for public sector unions to bust Providence.  Through political influence public sector unions gained a majority on the Providence Pension Board, and helped themselves to unsustainable benefits. The Providence Journal digs bag into the history of the City of Providence pension...

Kathleen Since I have one month left in the states before I head over to London, I’ve been keeping track of the news in the British Isles. As I knew from living in Berlin in the latter-half of 2009, Europe is always a reliable deviation...

Turkey is threatening unspecified intervention if Israel again uses military action to prevent a flotilla, organized in part by Turkish Islamist groups, from reaching Gaza.  Via AFP: Turkey on Saturday warned Israel against another act of bloodshed in international waters after activists announced plans to send a...

Kathleen The Donald won’t be running for president after teasing (threatening?) the American people for a few weeks. I’m glad that the less serious candidates are starting to drop out and folks like Mitch Daniels are giving a nod and a wink to the race....

Kathleen Jeffrey Tucker nails the hype over Bernanke this week so well: …it’s absurd that the entire world is hanging on the words of Ben Bernanke. He has been wrong at literally every major point in the housing bubble and then crisis. So why should...

A report commissioned by the City of Providence finds that then Mayor, now Congressman, David Cicilline is responsible for the fiscal mess, which has been the subject of numerous prior posts here.  Most famously, Providence recently was forced to issue preemptive termination notices to every teacher in the Providence...

Barack Obama promised us hand-to-hand combat, and his speech yesterday was the start. The nation is facing a debt crisis of historic proportions, but nothing will be done because Obama already has launched his presidential campaign.  A compromise must included serious changes to unsustainable entitlements...

I’ve had a chance to read Obama’s budget speech, and have seen clips on television. I was right in my anticipation that Obama would play the blame Bush game, and that he would demonize the “Top 2%,” and he did.  With gusto. But even I...