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Best headline of the day, via The Daily Mail in Britain: How America’s elite hijacked a massacre to take revenge on Sarah Palin The substance of the article makes points you have heard before regarding the murderous rampage by Jared Loughner: Rahm Emanuel, Mr Obama’s...

There was a recent article in the NY Daily News covering the plummeting approval ratings due to the (lack of) blizzard response earlier this week. Things aren’t looking good for Bloomie, “Bloomberg admitted City Hall was in the dark about the extent of the crisis....

The lame duck rush to ratify the New START Treaty is becoming an example of fools rushing in. One of the sticking points for Republicans opposed to the Treaty (13 Republicans voted in favor of the Treaty) was that the Preamble language seemed to link...

The nation’s “debt ceiling” will need to be raised early in the next Congress to accomodate the new reality of trillion-dollar-plus annual deficits. The possibility that the Republican House will refuse to raise the debt ceiling is the favorite topic of discussion in the media...

I gave you my “predictions” for 2011 yesterday. I would not classify the following as predictions unless they come true, in which case I am a genius.  Here are some things I’m looking at in the coming year (list to be updated throughout the day). There...

Three law professors have established a website (h/t RightCoast via Instapundit) where people can calculate how much they are saving by the extension of the current marginal tax rates and then donate that amount to one of four selected charities. The website,, states that...

Tom Woods, one of my favorite historians, wrote a book detailing the 2008 financial crisis titled ‘Meltdown.’ The book outlines how government intervention and ignorance led to the mess we’re still cleaning up. While this is something we all, more or less, know as right-leaning...

The U.S. Embassy takeover in Tehran on November 4, 1979, was the start of 444 days which came to define Jimmy Carter.  The U.S. government was revealed to be powerless and the President weak.  Those among us who were alive and conscious during those days have embedded...

Need I say more to Barney Frank than Margery Egan says today in The Boston Herald: After 30 years, Barney Frank finally lost my vote. On election night, he lost my respect as well. Frank’s road rage acceptance speech was an out-of-body experience. There was...

Mission accomplished.  We’re just like Europe, at least in terms of Gross Domestic Product per person (emphasis mine): For quite some time, the US and the leading EU countries have been fairly comparable in terms of output per hour worked. The US has had higher output per...

Someone please tell me why I fall for it every time. Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize Winner Extraordinaire™ (NPWE), writes a biased rant against anything that smacks of fiscal conservatism, and I get all worked up. The latest is Krugman’s attack on how fiscal conservatives, who...

I was asked by Voting Female to comment on Peggy Noonan’s recent op-ed at The Wall Street Journal, America Is At Risk Of Boiling Over. The central thesis of Noonan’s column is that our political leadership does not understand the rupture in society and growing...

Scott Brown didn’t see the forest for the trees in deciding to support Chris Dodd and Barney Frank’s financial reform legislation. Although Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins went along also, they did so only after Brown made his announcement. If Brown had come out strongly...

In an upcoming issue of The Weekly Standard, Bill Kristol pens an editorial in which he argues that while “we are not not now quite at a founding moment, or even a re-founding moment,” we are approaching a point of political crisis which will be...