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That’s the phrase that jumped out at me from Paul Ryan’s op-ed in The Wall Street Journal setting forth the Republican proposal to reform the system of entitlements which is driving us off a debt cliff (emphasis mine): No one person or party is responsible...

Kathleen One of my favorite bloggers, Jeffrey Tucker, has an awesome article over at about what is at stake amidst the teen jobs crisis (only about 14 % of teens aged 17 have jobs): And so fewer and fewer people know anything about the...

In the past two weeks or so, everyone has been discussing the tragedy in Japan. In addition to the death toll, news headlines have been relentlessly speculating the impact of the Fukushima reactors. Matthew Shaffer’s latest piece in NRO helps amalgamate some of the best...

Veronique de Rugy’s research has, once again, proven pouty liberals wrong. “Myth: The hedge fund industry’s tendency to take excessive risks, combined with a lack of regulation, was an important cause of the financial crisis. Fact: Not only did hedge funds not precipitate the financial...

The Daily Beast – Newsweek merger apparently is not doing too well in terms of web traffic, with Newsweek plunging and The Daily Beast stagnant. How desperate is The Daily Beast to make the Newsweek merger work? When I clicked over from a link at HotAir, it brought up...

This is the first in a series GUEST POSTS by Matthew Knee, a Ph.D. candidate at Yale University specializing in campaigns and elections, ethnic voting patterns, public opinion, and quantitative and experimental approaches to political science. ____________________ Analyzing polls with only what polling companies release is...

Democrat David Cicilline was Mayor of Providence, Rhode Island, for 8 years, replacing the colorful and convicted Mayor Buddy Cianci.  Cicilline was elected in November to Congress in Rhode Island’s 1st Congressional District (my home district), for the open seat vacated by Patrick Kennedy. Cicilline is an openly gay...

The Providence, RI, School Board voted tonight to send layoff notices to every teacher in the school district, approving a plan about which I posted earlier, Providence Teachers Union Head Compares Layoff Notices To Pearl Harbor Attack. The notices are required to be sent by...

Now this represents real change.  After two years of using the pages of The NY Times to lash out at peaceful health care protesters and Tea Parties, the Board of Editors of The New York Times has decided that actual violence by unions in Wisconsin...

I have posted before about how “[t]he administration’s complete obsession with Obamacare” manifested itself in a “neglect and disregard” of the troubles brewing in the Middle East. Now we have confirmation that there were explicit warnings to the Obama administration about the likelihood of trouble in...

K. McCaffrey — One of the things that frustrated me during the height of the Egyptian crisis was that Mubarak looked as if he was getting off scot-free after suppressing freedom in Egypt for so many years. I read an article in Slate about how...

K. McCaffrey — Last week, Britain’s chief central banker, Mervyn King, painted a grim picture of the years to come in the UK. – “In 2011, real wages are likely to be no higher than they were in 2005… One has to go back to...

Obama does bear responsibility for the high, and now likely perpetual, unemployment rates, the skyrocketing budget deficits, and the rapid rise in our national debt in the past two years.  Domestically, the obsession with passing Obamacare and expanding government had a direct cause and effect...

(K. McCaffrey) — In Egypt, the internet has effectively been shut off. One of my favorite websites,, which looks to preserve freedom by upholding internet access, is working hard on cracking this. (They also continually try to liberate freedom of information for Iranian citizens.)...

As of this writing, it remains unclear whether Mubarek will hold onto power in Egypt.  As I pointed out before, the implications for peace in the region are enormous, as an undermining of the 1979 peace treaty with Israel could spark regional war. There is understandable...

… An amazing address (emphasis mine): In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. From time to time we’ve been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an...

Sarah Palin has released a statement on Facebook and video responding to the Tucson shooting and accusations that she caused Jared Loughner to shoot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and to murder several people: Sarah Palin: “America’s Enduring Strength” from Sarah Palin on Vimeo. Here is the...