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Quick Takes

Donald Trump joined Jimmy Fallon on "The Tonight Show" Thursday evening. Fallon asked him about the polls and shared some of his Trump impersonations with the Republican candidate. "I love the polls, but I don't pay attention if I'm losing or lagging, I never mention them," Trump...

Can you imagine the absolute outrage on the left if a conservative pundit suggested that a male Democrat candidate was a "pansy?" The cries of "homophobia" would echo through the land, amidst demands that the offending pundit be defenestrated. But on today's Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski wondered out loud if Mike Pence is a "pansy." And you can just hear the liberal crickets gathering to say . . . absolutely nothing about it. Brzezinski's beef is that Pence, while denouncing David Duke, has declined to use Hillary's word—deplorable—to describe him, and has failed to be sufficiently critical of Putin. Mika claimed that Pence is "scared of his boss"--Donald Trump. So Mika, care to expand on your use of the word "pansy?"

After Hillary's frightening health episode Sunday, Donald Trump announced plans to release his own detailed medical records. Of all places, Trump chose the "Dr. Oz Show" to unveil his portrait of health. The awkward plan as it was original explained, was for Dr. Oz would reveal...