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Author: Samantha Mandeles

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Samantha Mandeles

To nobody's surprise, a new controversy has arisen surrounding California schools. This time, parents in the Coronado Unified School District (CUSD) are up in arms over what they say is the school system's political indoctrination of their children under the guise of combatting racism.

After more than a year of escalating anti-Semitic attacks, evidence shows that the key groups and figures behind the Black Lives Matter movement — heavily influenced in its ideology by Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam — have been instrumental in stoking Jew-hate disguised as social justice activism.

In an age when nearly everyone appears keen to publicly prove their 'woke' credentials, students at Yale University refuse to be outdone. The quickest way to demonstrate your anti-racist bonafides on campus? Self-satisfied student government "resolutions" condemning only the Jewish State.

In the year since the death of George Floyd, 37-year-old activist and Black Lives Matter (BLM) co-founder Patrisse Cullors has become a household name. Now, she's finally announced—as the last of the three original co-founders to do so—that she's stepping down from her role as the director of BLM umbrella group, the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF). Nevertheless, with massive enterntainment conglomerate contracts and the tacit endorsement (not to mention funding) of Big Tech, Cullors is poised to be even more influential in the coming months than she has been ever before.

Unless you've been living under a rock, you're probably aware of the scores of reported attacks against Jews that have occurred over the last several weeks. While Hamas targeted Israeli Jews with rocket fire and explosives, the "anti-Zionists, not-anti-Semites" of the western world targeted diaspora Jews in America, Canada, and Europe for harassment, destruction of property, and even violent assault.

The California State Board of Education (SBOE)—a font of seemingly never ending controversy over the past year—has struck again. Even after the considerable public anger surrounding the new Marxist-inspired, Critical Theory-rife Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC), the SBOE has now begun to revamp its K-12 mathematics curricula with similar philosophies in mind.

This past weekend, Palestinian Arabs in Jerusalem marked the conclusion of Ramadan with vast gatherings at the Temple Mount (the world's holiest site for Jews and third-holiest site for Muslims), where incendiary video footage showed the crowds enthusiastically chanting hateful slogans preaching violence against Jews. Naturally, the so-called "Jewish" anti-Zionist organization IfNotNow publicly endorsed the incitement—and claimed to do so on behalf of American Jews.

Back in November 2020, we covered the case of Valentina Azarova, a Germany-based “human rights scholar” who was denied the directorship of the University of Toronto School of Law International Human Rights Program (IHRP). Outraged, her supporters complained that a Jewish alumnus and donor—a sitting Tax Court judge ill-disposed to Azarova's work on "Israel's occupation of Palestine"—prevented her hire via behind-the-scenes pressure. Now, an independent investigation has disproven this claim, but Azarova's advocates are sticking to—and relentlessly spreading—their original, false narrative.

It's been barely a year since George Floyd's killing re-invigorated the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, but for its co-founder, Patrisse Cullors, a lot has changed for the better. While millions of Americans remain unemployed due to months of COVID shutdowns, Cullors—a self-described trained "Marxist"—reportedly just dropped $1.4m on a fourth house.